The Legacy

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**Related to The Connecting and The Fracti.

Amy came out from Nurse Annie's care a few hours later with nothing more than a few bumps and a pair of deep black circles under her eyes. The edges of her vision swayed and dipped to blackness every few steps but other than that she was fine. In all honesty, Amy had expected everyone to be talking about her: The new student who'd broken a Connecting and could do magic without a 'Probi'. In many ways, she was exactly her mother's daughter.

To her surprise, Sonic sat on a chair outside, his legs bouncing up and down. "Sonic? What are you doing here?" Surely he had classes to get to, so why was he outside the hospital area? Unless he was needing medical attention himself...Although he didn't look very injured.

At her voice, Sonic jumped up and wrapped Amy tightly in a hug. "Ames! You're okay!" In shock, Amy just stood there, letting Sonic hug her. They hadn't known each other that long, only a few hours in fact. However this affection wasn't Unwelcome. In fact, it felt...Nice. Sonic pulled away and his eyes checked over her face. "You are okay, aren't you? Mum said you did some massive spell that exhausted you. Do you need to sit down?" He guided her to the chair he'd been sitting on a moment ago.

Amy, stunned by his rapidness, took a breath to control herself. "I'm fine, thank you. I think I'm a little bit tired but nothing too bad." She looked around the nearly empty corridor. "Is your Mum around here? I'd like to ask her a few more questions. About...Everything." Sonic nodded and sat down beside her, holding her hand.

"She's not here at the moment, but she will probably be in her classroom." A few moments of silence stretched between them, filled with decades of history. "Did you know about-"

"Our Mothers?" Amy laughed, though without humour. "You probably know more than me. I've been asking questions to her my whole life and never been given any answers. Mother is a complicated person, she doesn't like to talk about her past. And I think Sarah plays a huge role in her past." The only memory that came to mind was Beauty explaining to a very young Amy that she shouldn't rely on anyone but herself. Thinking about now, it was obvious that something unpleasant had happened between them.

Sonic laid back and let the rest of the world go by. "We need a plan." He admitted eventually, having tried to come up with a solution.

Amy blinked at him. "A plan for what?"

He sighed and gestured up in the air. "A plan for how to fix...This! All of this! My Mum, your Mum, the whole 'If you don't do exactly as we say, we'll kill you!' thing. Everything needs fixing and we need a plan." Amy nodded beside him although neither of them had any ideas. Sonic heard footsteps approaching and looked around. "Oh hey Mum! What brings you here?"

Sarah smiled at the pair and stood before them. "Your ideals to fix the world." Sighing, she lifted the small, black and silver ring off her finger, letting daylight catch it. "Beauty gave me this ring on my fifteenth birthday as a gift. It was a promise that no matter what happend, we'd always be together." Placing the ring back where it belonged, Sarah took a deep breath. "You don't need a plan, I've had one for eighteen years."

"So why do it now?" Amy asked her, feeling what was about to come.

"Because now, I'm realising I can't keep letting history tell everyone she's a monster. I can't keep living this lie. It's time to make amends, but I'm going to need your help."


Terrifying didn't do justice to Beauty Rose. She was both your worst nightmare and the best dream you've ever had. A demon and an angel. Yet flying above the school, demanding change, she was a Goddess. "I believe you all have something to say to me." A quick flap of her wings and the most dangerous women on the planet stood before the shaking faculty. Her heels clicked on the stones as her eyes narrowed and eyebrows reached the skies. "Well? Amy told me this was important. I have places to be, you know?" The students had melted into the walls, leaving only Beauty, Sarah, the terrified senior teachers, Sonic, and Amy.

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