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Forest Memorial Hospital stood proudly in the centre of the city. In a city as populated as Rosepetal, there needed to be a few hospitals to handle everything. However Forest Memorial prided itself greatly on being the highest ranked hospital in the whole county for six years running. Doctor Amy Rose prided herself on her mother's value of the medical industry. As mayor, she had to juggle many responsibilities and Amy remained grateful to her for the opportunities she had. Medical school was by no means cheap, she was lucky her family had enough money to pay for it. Her first day as a surgical intern would see her work side by side with people from all walks of life.

Such as the ridiculously handsome intern standing beside her. Amy quietly wished that he'd chosen literally any other place to stand. Not that he wasn't welcome, rather she couldn't focus on what the Chief Residents were saying. Dr. Holograms and Dr. Holograms were level five residents, specialising in neuro and cardio respectively. "...Don't worry about that though, today is the first day of the most wonderful period of your lives. Over the next seven years you will all learn so much about your surgical skills and who you are as people." Dr. Starlight Holograms smiled at the group of twenty or so interns who all thought they knew best. Beside her, her twin laughed, knowing exactly what she was thinking.

Dr. Forest sighed and glared at the Twins. "Can you both wrap it up now? I'm bored." A level fifth resident as well, Dr. Honey Forest had an edge about her that was stereotypical for most surgeons, especially those who specialised in trauma.

Silver nodded and Starlight pulled out a sheet of paper. "Okay, everyone except the interns and the residents we've spoken to before can leave, thank you for your time." The crowd departed, leaving only four residents to the twenty interns. Each resident held up a number.

Starlight cleared her throat. "I'll say your name and a number, it is your job to go to the resident with that corresponding number. Understood?" They murmured their agreement. "Great! Okay: Rose, 3. Ship, 2. Boom, 3. Carrots, 1. Leaf, 4. Cradle, 2, Marks, 1. Rubber, 4..."

After a short while, everyone was in their correct groups. Amy noted that she had been placed with the handsome doctor who's distracted her earlier. Dr. Boom, if she was not mistaken. Confusingly, that was also the name of her resident. Honey took her group off to the Ring, Silver on rounds, Starlight to the Skills lab and Dr. Shadow Boom on a tour. He smiled warmly at their group as they started to walk. "Hi. I'm Dr. Shadow Boom, I'm a level five resident specialising in ortho. As you many have gathered, my peers are...unique as to who they are as surgeons. Honey in particular, Dr. Forest, can be rather intense. I like to think of myself as a good medium, focused but not cold, kind but not overly emotional." A hand went up from beside Amy. "No."


"Dr. Boom."

"Fine. Dr, Boom. When-"

"No, Sonic."

She frowned. "Dr. Boom? Why won't you listen to his question?" Sonic grinned at her, smug at her intervention.

Shadow sighed and pulled him forward. "This is Dr. Sonic Boom. My brother. I'm sorry that you're stuck in not just a year but a group with him."

"And I'm sorry you're stuck with a grumpus like him as your resident." Standing beside each other, the resemblance between them was remarkable. However, Amy noted that Sonic's eyes were brighter than Shadow's and he pulled people in like moths to a flame. She was sure Shadow was actually very nice, Sonic was just more charismatic.

Shadow glared at him and turned back to her. "In answer to your question, Dr. Rose, he was about to ask me 'When will we do something cool, like reattach someone's leg or give a heart transplant?' I refused to answer because there is far more to being a surgeon than performing miraculous treatment. Occasionally we do get that, bit the day to day work is far less exciting than any fantasies of Nobel prizes and world fame you may have had." Sonic didn't look so smug now, rather surprised that he'd been read so accurately. Shadow sighed and ruffled his hair. "I had the same ideas six years ago, I'm still waiting for any of them to become reality. Let's continue."

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