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*Related to Valentine's Day, although you don't need to necessarily read that to enjoy this.

Sonic jogged through the village until Tails workshop came into view. Unlike last time, he was much calmer going to see his younger brother. "Tails!" He called, whirlwinding loose papers all over the place. "I need your help."

"Again?" Tails flew down from the Tornado, collecting papers stuck on the wings. "Today's not a celebration. Amy doesn't need any presents. And please, stop messing up my work!" Sonic smiled apologetically and helped him sort them out.

"Sorry bud, I'll try to be better. But back to my problem: I never got Amy any presents for Valentine's Day."

"I thought that's why you-"

"Yes it was, but I was too slow." Frustrated, Sonic slumped into a chair. "No flowers, no chocolate, no nothing. All Amy got was me! And I'm a lovely gift, but I feel inadequate. She's amazing, I won't let anything or anyone under-appreciate her." Tails stared at his best friend, surprised at how Sonic had changed in the last few weeks. So blatantly stating how he felt about Amy, it was certainly a first but also a welcome one.

Checking the time, he frowned ever so slightly. "Sonic? It's half ten, the shops will be open. What's wrong? I'm sure they'll have the stock you need." Something else was bothering Sonic and Tails wouldn't get any work done until he'd sorted it out.

Realising he'd been caught out, he stood up and rubbed the back of his neck. "Well...I feel as though now it's been a little while I should do something else alongside my original gifts. That's what I need help with."

"A big romantic gesture?"

"Yes! Exactly! I knew you were the right person to ask! So, what should I do?" Leaning forward eagerly, Sonic nearly pushed Tails off his chair.

He flew up and out of reach of any over-excited arms and crossed his. "I'm fairly certain that it has to come from you. You know, something personal and intimate that really connects between you and Amy. It doesn't even have to be that big, just something important."

"Like whaaaaaat?"

Tails sighed, most of the time, Sonic was a happy, independent hero and yet despite this, he had absolutely perfected his needy whine. "Like a location that means a lot to you both or a date, a time, anything that the two of you can look at and go: This reminds me of our relationship." He flew back down and patted Sonic on the back. "I know this isn't your speciality but I can't help you, not all the way through. Emotions have to be sorted out on. Your. Own." With a pointed glance, the young genius hurried back to work, leaving the Blue Blur to stew in his own thoughts.


"Here you go Sonic, one box of strawberry chocolates, as ordered." Perci handed him the delicately decorated box and held up her hand as he tried to give her change. "No, no way, remember? Free of charge. That still counts. Although you'll have to pay after this." She shot him a warning look, the months of working in retail shredding her patience to bits. Sonic admired her for it, if the last ten minutes were anything to go by, most customers were ridiculously stupid. If it wasn't so mind-numbingly boring, he'd think they were doing it on purpose.

So, he accepted the box gratefully, tucking them under his arms, away from the twelve red roses he'd already collected. "Thanks Perci, good luck!" He raced out the door, saluting her as he vanished in a dusty puff.

Now that he had the gifts ready for a belated Valentine's Day treat, Sonic only needed the perfect backdrop for his big romantic gesture. The island did have it's scenic spots: The seafront, the village square, the jungle waterfalls, large rolling hills, meadows filled with colourful flowers and snow-peaked mountains that kissed the sky. In a way, he was spoiled for choice. In another, Sonic had nowhere suitable for Amy. Each of these locations had been run dry of ideas just like his, so plain and generic now that they lost all meaning. No, if Sonic was going to prove to Amy how much he loved her, he needed to do some digging. Sprinting around the whole island Sonic checked every spot that could be suitable; his success in the endeavour was...Limited to say the least. "ARRRR! This is completely hopeless! Amy's going to be so disappointed." Sonic growled and dug his heels into the ground. The flowers needed water and the chocolate had started to melt, this was turning into a disaster.

As Sonic fell backwards onto the soft dirt, his hands snagged on the roots of nearby blooms. All around him, outlining the hill he'd run up were lots and lots of flowers. "Hang on a minute..." He pulled himself up and spun around, properly looking at his location for the first time. "Yes!" Sonic punched the air, motivation flowing through his body like the first breath of air after being underwater. This was it now, he had a plan.


Amy giggled as Sonic stepped behind her, resting her body on his. "Sonic? Where are we going?" The love of her life had, surprisingly, not revealed anything about their plans for the evening. Sonic wasn't bad at keeping secrets but Amy thought that maybe this would have been difficult for him.

With a tut, he guided Amy along the path and kissed the top of her head. "Patience Ames, all good this come to those who wait. Mind your step." Sonic lifted her over a rising root and together they crested the hill. "Okay, we're here, open!" With a flourish he jumped in front of her and waved his arms behind him in 'ta-da' motion.

Amy gasped and clung to his arm for support. "Oh Sonic, it's, it's beautiful! I love it! I love you!" Still holding onto him, she took in the scene before her: A blanket had been laid out by the edge of the pond, a large willow tree arching over it. Fireflies danced between the willows and the gorgeous glowing pink and blue flowers entwined around the branches. On the blanket itself was an array of small snacks, including a box of chocolates, and a few candles kept far away from any flammable items. "It's so romantic! I can't believe it!" She turned to him and planted an emotional kiss on his lips. "Thank you!" Kiss. "Thank you!" Kiss. "Thank you!" Kiss.

Sonic laughed and pulled Amy into him, towards their date. "You're welcome, you deserve this. Consider this a few things: One, our first official date. Two, an acknowledgment of all your kindness and hardwork. Three, a belated Valentine's Day gift. I meant to give you these chocolates and some roses at the time but I left it too late. Also, the flowers died and the chocolates melted but I found some much better flowers in my opinion." He sat down and Amy collapsed into his lap with shining eyes. "Happy tears?"

"Very happy." She whispered, overcome with what she was seeing. "Thank you. Again."

"You're welcome. Again." Sonic kissed Amy and held her in his arms. This was right, nothing would nor could go wrong from this moment. It was the perfect gift.

I hope you enjoyed this one-shot, it is mildly related to the previous one however as I said before, you don't need to read that to enjoy this. I'll try to update again next week but I start college tomorrow so my schedule might be very busy. Until then, adiós.

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