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Utterly boring and expensive: A phrase synonymous with school trips. Granted, the cost was only for food or any little collectibles the children wanted to buy. However this trip wasn't to the beach or to a museum, this trip was to a castle. A real castle with a huge estate, massive corridors, lots of staff and real royalty! Or at least, that's what Sonic's teachers had told him. He wasn't sure if that was true, although it sounded cool.

Behind him, Honey stretched across the seats, practically falling into Blaze's lap. "Princess! Are we going to your house?" She laughed and tried to snatch the mirror she was holding, knocking into Shadow beside her.

Blaze rolled her eyes and tried to push Honey onto the floor. "For the last time Honey, I'm not a princess. My Mum is the mayor, there's a difference." Cinders, the son of the neighbouring town's mayor and Blaze's cousin, nodded in agreement.

Honey huffed and sat up, her legs crashing into Shadow's face. "Oh please forgive me your Highness! You act and live like royalty, but I'm just a humble servant! Uneducated and unworthy! I know nothing!" She leaped back into her own seat as though nothing peculiar had happened.

Shadow grunted and shoved her away. "Can you please not be so annoying? We're nearly there and I don't want to get travelsick." He lent forward and ruffled his brother's hair. "How'd you feel travelling with the big kids?"

"Like I'm travelling with toddlers." Sonic retorted, dodging a quick jab near his jaw. As it neared the end of the school year, there were a series of trips avaliable that they could choose from. The castle was mandatory for Shadow and Honey's year, but a choice for Sonic's. Other people in his year had chosen the castle, but he didn't know them as well as his brother and his friends. He turned to the Twins, Silver and Starlight, who were playing some sort of board game. "Hey Twins, are we nearly there yet?" Starlight looked up from their game, checked her watch, then nodded vehemently and went back to their game. Sonic sighed, "Thanks!" The Twins were lovely, Sonic valued their genius, however when they were focused, the rest of the world melted away.

The coach rattled over some reasonably large hills, the road to the castle overgrown and barely visible. "You would think a royal family would have a groundskeeper to protect the road to their home." Blaze complained, readjusting her many accessories after a nasty jolt.

"They're not a royal family anymore, the Rose Dynasty ended about three hundred years ago. Now, they're just a very wealthy, influential family in the region." Cinders knew everything about history and politics, so therefore, Honey groaned and pretended to fall asleep in boredom. "Don't be rude, Honey." He scolded, slightly condescendingly.

"Don't be boring, Cinders." She glared at him, her frozen eyes daring him to challenge her.

Shadow looked out the window, excitement catching in his voice. "Okay everyone, don't fight, we're here." The entire class gasped and tried to spy their first glimpse at the historic Rose Castle.

"I don't know what the big fuss is about, once you've seen one castle you've seen them all." Honey purposefully turned away, refusing to give credit to the wealthy.

The Twins had stopped playing their game and were analysing a map of some kind. "Actually, this particular castle is unique, as it was the main stronghold for many monarchs during wartime. As such, it is equipped with many hidden passageways and secret rooms, used to protect and hide the royal family if they were under attack." Sonic hoped they wouldn't have to use those tunnels.

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