Fairy Magic

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Yay! Amy + Sonic has officially reached over 700 reads! That's huge! Thank you to all who have read, voted and commented on this story, especially those who have continuously done so, it means a lot. Now, on with the story!

Sonic jogged through the woods on his morning jog on his way to work. As a professional trainer, it was of utmost importance that he too stayed in excellent physical condition. Plus, it provided a bonus with the ladies if he looked like the reincarnation of a god. Honestly though, he shouldn't be so humble.

Listening to his favourite song, he barely registered rounding the bend and crossing the bridge over the river. Everything in his life was pretty good, he knew what was going on and what was about to happen, nothing ever changed in this town, lovely as it was. In truth, Sonic wouldn't have minded some more excitement in his life. 'Eh, one can dream...' He thought, grinning at the multitude of colourful birds above him. One in particular caught his eye: A gorgeous small pink one, that he didn't know the species of. It seemed to sparkle in the sunlight and radiate warmth, swooping over his head.

Suddenly, another thing swooped into his head. Flying, Sonic crashed into a tree, spraying mud, dirt and little stones everywhere. "Owww..." Oh how his head hurt, a medium sized bump already forming on his forehead. "What was that?" His calamity had scattered the beautiful birds in every given direction and spooked all the animals, leaving him alone with a bruise and his thoughts. 

Well, almost.

A few meters away, near the edge of the bridge, a young woman was rising to her feet. She looked rather stunned, having collided with what she could only describe as a wall of muscle. Her entire front of her body ached and she'd landed awkwardly on her ankle which sent a wave of pain through her body upon using it. "Fiddlesticks!" She groaned, rolling over so her legs were in the air. "I swear I need to get so much better at flying." Sonic watched in amazement as she pulled a slender, glowing stick from her dress, which was miraculously not down on her chest, and tapped it on her ankle a few times. With each tap, a few glittery sparks flew out, encasing her ankle in a soft glow and healing it. "Well, at least my healing skills are pretty good." She stood up, testing her work out and smiled, "Yep! Good as new!" At that moment, she then noticed the source of her crash staring at her, mouth agape. "Oh!" She quickly tried to hide her...wand? behind her back. "Hello!"

Sonic stared dumbly at her, astounded by the beauty before him. Her dress reflected all the sun's rays, creating shimmering rainbows all around her. Her leggings where pristine white and her ballet shoes had two cute pink bows on them. 'Her wings are pretty impressive too.' He thought, admiring the light bouncing off the large, sinewy, shiny, gossamer wings. "You have wings?!" Sonic finally moved on from her outfit, eventually realising what was in front on him. "You're a fairy!"

She blushed, tucking her candyfloss coloured hair behind her ear. "Well, fairy in training. Thank you." She noticed the bump rapidly forming on his head. "Oh here, let me help you." She knelt down beside him, emerald reflecting jade, both stunned by the other. With another few quick taps, Sonic imagined she kissed him better, the swelling in his head reduced to nothing. "There you go! All better!" She smiled at him, lighting up the world as she stood up, leaving him in wonder.

Behind her, the world started to shimmer and glow, a strange magic encasing the forest. "Uhhh," Sonic pointed, standing up, "What's that?" The fairy spun around and her shoulders slumped, the magic forming into a circle.

"That," She sighed, "Is my call home." Her wings dropped ever so slightly, losing their mesmerising sparkle.

Sonic frowned, "Why are you unhappy about that?"

"Because my time out in the real world isn't fully finished. I'm supposed to be here for a full lunar cycle and I've only been here three days! It's so unfair!" She shrieked in frustration, a flurry of sparkles erupting around her. "All because I can't fly in a straight line..."

"You know that's not the reason, Amy." A loud yet soft disembodied voice spoke to the pair through the portal. "Your flying skills will improve, being seen by and talking to a human, is strictly forbidden. And dangerous. You're lucky he hasn't taken a picture yet...or tried to kiss you."

Amy threw her hands up in the air, her face as red as a burning inferno. "Mum!"

Behind them, Sonic started to laugh. "I'm sorry, that voice is your Mother?" 'Maybe I haven't woke up, I hit my head on a branch and I'm hallucinating. I'll wake up in a hospital soon.' The thought surprisingly comforted him, this day was getting too surreal.

"Why is that funny?" Amy demanded, her temper turning on him as well.

"Daughter, calm down, he doesn't think any of this is real. This is part of the reason why we try our best to avoid humans. Our existence is too much for them. Now, wipe the young man's memory and we'll apply for your field work next lunar cycle." The voice on the other side became more clipped and demanding, clearly fed up with her daughter's shenanigans.

Silence. A beat.

"Fine." Amy marched over to Sonic and looked him dead in the eye, a hidden fury blazing behind her wonderful jade eyes. "I'm very sorry about this, you'll be up and about in a few weeks."

Tap, tap, tap.


Sonic swung his legs out of his bed, happy to go back to work after his accident a couple of weeks ago. He'd been found unconscious by a young woman and brought to the nearby hospital. The doctors explained that he'd hit his head on his morning jog and would probably experience amnesia over the events. In truth, Sonic had no memory of what happened to him, only fragments of a dream with a beautiful fairy with a smile that lit up the whole world.

Beside him, his phone buzzed with messages from his friends and colleagues. One of his childhood best friends, Sunny, had sent him a video and a message. "Sonic! You're coming back to work buddy! Don't forget, seriously, it'll storm up a huge panic! Plus, it'll set a bad prescient. Either way, I have something that'll motivate you to come in: Look! You've got a new trainee to play with! You don't want to disappoint a Miss Amy Rose now, do you? She sounds cute. See you later!" Sonic laughed at his friend's antics, wondering when they were all going to grow up. Never, by the looks of it. He sent a message to Sunny that he was on his way and prepared to meet the day.

At Super Gyms, 'where you unlock the super version of yourself', Sonic received a warm welcome from his colleagues. "Hey Sonic," His manager, Swift patted him on the back. "Good to see you up and about again. You've a new client today-"

"Amy Rose?"

"Yeah, did Sunny tell you? Ah, he's a good egg. Anyway, she'll be here in a few minutes so just get yourself settled and we'll send her in." Swift waved him goodbye as he went into his office and Sonic made his way into the main gym.

He likes it here, there was every piece of state-of-the-art equipment you could ask for. The gym was funded by the mayor and his sons, so they had luxuries other gyms did not. He wondered what sort of training Amy would be after and decided to set up for some basic strength and stamina training. A few minutes later, the door opened and a bubbly young woman with candyfloss coloured hair flew in. "Hi! I'm Amy! Amy Rose." She held her hand out to him, jade eyes sparkling with excitement.

Sonic grinned at her enthusiasm, he liked those who were eager to learn. "I'm Sonic, nice to meet you." He shook her hand, mesmerised by her eyes and he couldn't shake the feeling he knew her from somewhere. "I'm sorry, do I know you? You seem familiar."

Amy shook her head, smiling. "No, I don't think so. However I think it'll be nice to get to know you." She started to laugh, thinking of something. "Who knows, perhaps your fairy godmother told you you'd meet me." The sparkle in her eyes shone even brighter than before, utterly captivating.

Sonic chuckled, "Maybe, you might be closer than you think." He had a feeling he was going to enjoy her company quite a lot in the weeks to come.

I hope you enjoyed this little fairy one-shot, sorry it's a couple of days late but I had a lot of homework and a little bit of writer's block. However, I hope the next one will be more on schedule. Adiós!

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