The Connecting

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The hallways of Mystic Academy shone with a thousand gemstones and generations of powerful sorcerers who fought to change the world forever. Channeling their magic through four items that corresponded with four ability strands which would focus their magical study across two decades as part of the academy. Healing, a sceptre; combat, a wand; reality manipulation, a spellbook and foresight, a crystal ball. Every sorcerer had to channel their magic through one of these 'Probi' or they were considered 'Fracti', a danger to society. The alternative to using 'Probi' was to channel the mystic powers of the Woven World through their body. A dangerous feat as it could be uncontrollable and cause immense amounts of irreparable damage.

This, of course, was the only way to channel her magic that Amy's mother had taught her. Hand magic, in its basic form, but in theory a person could channel their magic across their whole body simultaneously. Amy could not. She also couldn't progress in life without passing her EMKMs, whatever they stood for. And to pass these exams, Amy needed to be enrolled in Mystic Academy. So, now you're all caught up.

As the exams took place in the fifth year, all of her peers already had fours years of recognised magical education under their belt at EMKM level. In order to help Amy catch up with the curriculum, a student peer mentor person had been assigned to help her. Amy didn't really mind, he seemed friendly. Sonic had greeted her in the reception hall, eagerly awaiting her arrival. He'd explained to her that it was nice to meet her and that he was going to help her. Amy had been rather taken aback, no one had ever showered this much attention solely on her before; and she was an only child! However, this joy was not to last. The receptionist asked to see her 'Probi' for the enrollment form to which Any revealed she didn't have one. This had sent the whole school into a panic and now Sonic was taking her to be Connected.

"You shouldn't worry about being Connected, it's painless. My Mum's incharge actually of the Connecting process. She's lovely and she'll like you so you've nothing to worry about." Sonic had been talking nonstop since reception, filling her head with little interesting facts and anecdotes about his life, the school and everything in between. Normally, such an overload of information would be despised by Amy but something about the melodious tones of Sonic's voice made it bearable. That and his astonishing emerald eyes. He fell into step beside her and flashed Amy a grin. "If you don't mind me asking Ames,-"


"It's a nickname. If you don't mind me asking, Ames, how come your Mum didn't get you Connected when you were four like everyone else?" A valid question, although not one she cared to answer.

Amy considered her options before settling on a half truth. "My Mother became disillusioned with the whole system shortly before having me and she vowed to not let me be a part of it. If she had her way, I wouldn't even be here. But I need to pass my EMKMs, otherwise I have no chance in life." Truthfully, she knew these exams were only a medium-sized decision based on what college she went to in September but at this moment, these were the biggest exams she'd ever taken. She had absolutely every right to be very nervous about these all-important exams.

Sonic nodded although he didn't really understand, what could have happened to her mum to force her to make the decision that Amy would be kept away from society forever? To be at risk of being 'Fracti' her whole life? In Sonic's opinion, it seemed rather selfish of her.

The pink and blue pair stood outside a door covered in intricate gold carvings that depicted a family tree of some kind. "This is my Mum's office, she teaches history and she'll be in there, ready for your Connecting." Sonic opened the door for Amy and dramatically bowed down. "After you."

Amy giggled and curtsied. "Why thank you." She found his charm endearing although the door carvings clouded her mind, she recognised them, although how, she didn't know.

Any thoughts of strange doors quickly vanished as she stepped into the office, or more specifically, transported through time. Sonic's mum's office looked as though it had been pulled from the pages of one of her most beloved storybooks; the legacy of her family claimed that title for better or worse though. The steps curved around the room, rising up on platforms the closer you came to the back. At the centre of the room, a large podium stood proudly in the centre, clearly the desk of Professor Boom. Tapestries that depicted key scenes throughout the history of sorcerers ran the entire length of the back wall, creating an image that captivated the mind.

"Is someone there?" A disembodied voice echoed from the back door, hidden behind a depiction of the Tactile Destruction, also known as Beauty Rose's greatest temper tantrum and the reason why Hand Magic became illegal.

Sonic grinned and gestured for Amy to sit on the embroidered yellow cushion. "It's just me, Mum! And I bought the new student!" He took a sit beside her, his overenthusiastic energy infectious.

Sarah Boom pushed open the door and smiled at the pair. "Ah! Amy, it's good to finally meet you." She deposited four objects onto her desk and eagerly took Amy's hands in hers. With wild hair and bright emerald eyes, Sonic's entire personality and demeanour quickly fell into place. He took after his mum, a mama's boy.

"It's nice to meet you too, Mrs-"

Sarah waved her hands around. "Oh no, dear, Sarah's fine. All the students call me that." With a mischievous smile, she winked at the pair. "You're very polite, just his type you know."


"Sorry, sorry." Her laugh filled the room and Amy could nearly see the warmth and motherly love that surrounded her. She could count on one hand how many times she'd thought that about her own mother. "It's a mother's job to embarrass her sons. At least Shadow doesn't melt to the floor like you do, Sonickally."


Sonic groaned, his body folding in on itself. "It's a little pet name is has for me. Apparently, I went through a stage as a toddler adding 'kally' to the end of things. Tablekally, Bookally, Sonickally but I doubt the claims. Dad never says I did, I think she's making it up." He glared at his mum but Amy could see the softness in his eyes, he didn't really mind.

Sarah shushed him and sat down in front of Amy. "Okay, so I'm going to do some testing to see what would suit you best. Nothing painful, just a few character questions. Are you ready?" Amy nodded. "Great!" Sarah clapped her hands and the Connecting began.

As she set the four 'Probi' out, the atmosphere around the trio started to change. Everything became brighter and darker at the same time, the energy of the Woven Worked being called into their realm. Amy gulped as the reality of the situation settled into her bones, this was really happening: She was about to be Connected. "Amy Rose." Sarah's voice changed, as those the spirits of a thousand generations spoke through her. "You are here to be Connected, to bind yourself to the anicent powers of the Woven World and pledge your powers to protecting the balance as a sorcerer true of heart. Do you accept?" Amy blinked, did she? She wanted to help people, of course she did, but her mother had been extremely vocal throughout her childhood over the dangers of the academy. Were a few exams results really worth a life in servitude?

"I do." She whispered meekly, her stomach lurching at any hidden implications.

"Amy Rose. You will only use your gifts for the greater good. You will not share knowledge of our ways with an outsider and you will never intentionally put our people in danger. If you do, may death be just. Do you accept?"

"I do." This she could say with more certainty, Any detested unnecessary violence but the dying part had her on edge.

"Amy Rose. Above all you will never risk channeling your magic without your Probi. You will never question the sacred laws that have kept our works safe for a thousand millennia. You will never explore the chaos matter that binds our magic to the universe and you will always be willing to destroy those who seek to disrupt our most essential balance. Do you accept?"

"I..." Her mother's face flashed in Amy's mind, she fell into this category. Would she be willing to destroy her? The woman who raised her? Cared for her? Loved her? Even if Beauty Rose could be cold and cruel, she loved her daughter. No, Amy would never, ever try to hurt her. "I do not!"

I hope you enjoyed this one-shot, a rather long one I think. This plot line has snagged me so the next couple might follow on from this one. Therefore, I hope this intrigued you. I will try to update again next week so until then, bye, bye.

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