Valentine's Day

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Yippee! Amy + Sonic has officially reached over one hundred reads. Thank you to everyone who has read, voted and commented so far. It means a lot. Honestly, I'm surprised we've reached the milestone so quickly. Now, on with the story!

Sonic jogged through the village square, trying to calm his rapid heartbeat. Today was a day he'd come to valiantly ignore but this year he was going to change that. However, he needed help. Desperately. "Tails!" He sprinted toward his best friend's garage and crashed through the front door. "You need to help me!" Sonic launched himself across the desk right next to the two-tailed fox.

Tails quickly put his invention down and stared at his figurative older brother in alarm. "What's wrong? Are you okay? What can I do?" Sonic was usually so collected, for something to rattle him so badly, it must be very serious. 

Sonic sighed when he realised that he'd scared him. "Nothing tragic, bud. I'm fine, just got a few questions that could benefit from your invaluable input." Tails visibly relaxed and smiled at him, encouragingly. "Well, um, today's Tuesday and I, um... What's Amy's favourite flower?"

"Sonic, I'm pretty sure it's a rose. And that her favourite chocolate flavour is strawberry. What's so important about today?" 

Sonic glared at his best friend, he knew perfectly well why today was important. "I just wanted to give Amy a present. Is that so wrong? She really deserves a present, she's also so nice to everyone. That's all." Why did Tails have to push this? Sonic felt as though he was about to jump out of his skin.

The genius fox shrugged his shoulders and patted Sonic on the back. "Are you sure it's not because today is Valentine's Day?"

"YES! THATHASNOTHINGTODOWITHIT! BYE!" Sonic sprinted out of the workshop as though it and himself were consumed by a deadly fire. Where he was escaping to, Tails didn't know but he had a feeling chocolate and flowers were on the menu. He just hoped Sonic didn't mess everything up, Amy deserved to be happy.


"What do you mean you've sold out of red roses?! You're a flower shop! It's Valentine's Day!" Sonic couldn't believe what he was hearing, surely the only flower shop in the village couldn't be sold out?

The owner of the store shrugged at him with a sympathetic smile. "Sorry Sonic, we're very busy this time of year. Our busiest day in fact. We'll get another shipment in tomorrow, Amy won't mind waiting, will she? In fact, I can set up an order for them to be delivered to her house first thing tomorrow. Would that be any good?" They turned to prepare the order with a smile. "Do you want to add a little message? That's always very popular."

Sonic stared at them, dumbfounded. "Uhhh, why would Amy be getting flowers?"

"Oh I'm sorry, I thought that's who you were buying them for. My mistake."

"Why did you think it was Amy?!"

The poor owner looked rather confused at his behaviour. "Well I assumed you and Miss Amy had become official, the two of you always seem like such a nice couple."

"WELL WE'RE NOT, OKAY?! And I don't want any flowers!" Sonic shot out of the shop at the speed of sound, unfortunately scattering petals and flowers everywhere in a giant mess.


After the ridiculous debacle at the flower shop, Sonic hoped he could at least fulfill one half of his gift. His mind kept replaying the whole mess in his head over and over again. He had overreacted, he knew that. And technically the flowers were for Amy, but a gift like that had romantic undertones. That was not at al what he wanted. Amy wasn't his girlfriend, regardless of certain villagers opinions.

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