CR: Chapter 5

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The plot card was equivalent to reproducing the plot from a god's perspective. It should be the reward for the players who found all the clues to 'perfectly clearing the instance.' This plot was so immersive that Zou Xiaomei's screams still echoed in the air.

Xiao Lou might like detective reasoning novels but he still felt cold at seeing such a cruel murder scene.

Zou Xiaomei and He Yongqiang were indeed wrong but weren't Zhao Sen's means too abnormal?

Digging out his cousin's heart, killing his wife and taking away his cousin's body... moreover, he deliberately left He Yongqiang's fingerprint on the fruit knife and his blood on the deceased's body. Wasn't this planting blame?'

If this story had a follow-up then Zou Xiaomei's body would be discovered. The police would find the weapon when investigating the scene and the fruit knife had He Yongqiang's fingerprints. He Yongqiang's blood would also be found on the deceased. The most suspected person would naturally become He Yongqiang!

However, He Yongqiang was already dead and it was unknown how Zhao Sen disposed of his body.

If there was no evidence of death, the case would become a pending one.

Zhao Sen might've forged evidence that he was on the business trip. In this way, Zou Xiaomei died from an accident and he could get 2 million yuan compensation from the insurance company.

This Zhao Sen's psychological distortion and deep thoughts gave him goosebumps.

Xiao Lou stabilized his violent heartbeat and called out, "System elf?"

This time, it wasn't the cold male mechanical voice but a gentle female voice that greeted him. An adult woman in a long red dress with a graceful body and curly hair to her waist suddenly appeared in front of him.

The beauty looked at him with a smile. "Hello, Xiao Lou. I am the keeper of Hearts. You can ask me any questions you have."

Keeper of Hearts?

Xiao Lou stared at the 2-K Hearts arranged on the wall and couldn't help wondering, "Why is there no A of Hearts on the card wall?"

The beauty in red smiled. "I am the A of Hearts."


"Can you explain?"

"Of course." The voice of the beauty was very kind. "You should know that a deck of cards has a total of 54 cards. In this card word, A of Hearts, A of Diamonds, A of Spades and A of Clubs are the gatekeepers of the four types of secret rooms. The other cards contain different secret rooms and small worlds and you need to challenge them."

Xiao Lou nodded. "Since the A of Hearts is the keeper and I started from 2 of Hearts, the most difficult one should be the K?? There are also double kings above the K, which is what the system told me before... the final SS-grade secret room?"

The beautiful woman looked at him with admiration. "That's right."

Xiao Lou didn't know much about playing cards but he knew that J stood for Jack (servant), Q for Queen (queen), and K for King (king). A was for Ace (supreme) and there were the coloured joker and black and white joker. They were often called the kings and was what he referred to when he mentioned two kings. Some areas called them the big ghost and small ghost.

In this card world, the A was the gatekeeper and 2 to K were all types of secret rooms. The difficulty was from D to C, B, A and S. The four types of K should be the most difficult S-grade secret rooms. Then the final ones were the SS-grade secret rooms where the kings sat.

The 2 of Hearts room that he just passed was the simplest D-grade room.

As a single-person secret room, it threw people directly into a room with a body and there were only 30 minutes to crack the murder case. Most people would be scared to death by the female body on the bed. Even if they were courageous enough to calm down and look for clues, in the end, more than 90% of people couldn't solve the mobile phone password. They only guessed the murderer and the probability of a perfect clearance was less than 1%.

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