Chapter 2: A strange phone call

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After leaving Wano, Luffy and the strawhat crew set sail to wherever they were going to next which
Nami was the person to determine that as she was the navigator, Brook being a little bored said "hey guys let's sing a song".

Everyone agreed and they sang and drank and ate food after the battle which was won, Jimbe (a fish man) heard the transponder snail go off and walked out to see what the matter was and on the line was an ally of the Strawhats "is this Jimbe?" "Yes and who am I speaking to" "this is Trafalgar Law" "ah Law good to be speaking with you, what seems to be the matter?"

"Well I just wanted to make it known that I saw a ship that was unfamiliar" Law expressed, "unfamiliar? We usually see a lot of unfamiliar ships in this world what's one more? Jimbe replied with question as to why this call was important "yes we do see a lot of unfamiliar ships that's right but this one wasn't like other ships, it didn't have a mark on it but the sail was black and the ship itself was black" Law said

"Well that would be unfamiliar indeed, thanks for letting us know, if we see them we'll attack them or at least see who they are which I assume is something you didn't do?"

"No law replied"

"Ok good to know, pleasure speaking with you Jimbe said"

"Yeah you as well" law replied

After he hung up, Jimbe walked back to the room and Luffy asked what the call was about and Jimbe explained, Luffy after hearing it said "well they should be no problem cause they can't get by us."

Authors notes: the story will hopefully get a little longer but I explained in my other one that I'll have to shorten the chapters as much as possible but I will definitely be making the story good. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter!

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