Chapter 13: post training.

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A few days later, everyone was trained and ready to set sail.

But to both Luffy and Jacks disappointment they were advised not to go quite yet.

As the sun set, franky suggested they should have a party.

"A party eh, as long as there's rum" Jack said,
"Don't forget about the sake, Zoro included"

After a while of waiting Gibbs and Sanji came back with only a bottle of each left,
Simultaneously Zoro and Jack stated "is that really all we have left?"

"Yes that's all that we found" said Gibbs and Sanji.

Zoro was more angry about this and looked over at Nami and Emily who Zoro seemed to somehow figure out who were the culprits.

"Nami what the hell did you guys get up to?!"

Before Nami could say something that would further escalate the situation, Emily spoke up honestly "ok so it was partly my fault, when we were training we got a little thirsty so we went to each of our ships and stole the drinks, if anyone is to blame it's me and I apologize, don't be mad at just Nami"

Elizabeth reprimanded Emily for doing so but understood where she was coming from and Luffy happily said "whatever it's just drinks as long as we have food!"

They created a fire and drank what was left and ate, later Brook spoke up saying "I believe our friends don't know the song"

"The song?" Will asked.

"I believe he means the song he taught us when we first met him" Usopp said

"Oh binks brew!" Chopper said

"Is that like a shanty or something?" Asked barbosa

"Yes my friend it indeed is" Brook replied

"Let's hear it!" Emily said

Brook left for a sec and grabbed the piano from the sunny and started playing and the strawhats started singing along

"Yohohoho yo ho ho ho, yohohoho yo ho ho ho, gather up all of the crew its time to ship out binks brew..

Later everyone was singing and dancing and having fun, unaware of what was to come...

***The next morning
Jack had gotten up early because he just got up and as he was walking towards his ship he saw a young lady with blue hair running towards him

She stopped and asked "are you the only one up right now!?"

"Yes I believe I am.." Jack responded

"No I'm up as well" Sanji said with ingredients for breakfast in his hand.

"You look concerned vivi what's up?"

Catching her breath Vivi stated "Law and Kidd are holding them off but all three emperors are here."

AN: so that's the chapter, hope you enjoyed it and I'll probably do 3 more after this.

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