Chapter 14: Battle of the Emperors

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Jack ran over to camp with Sanji and woke up their crew mates who quickly got ready and went over to where three ships were just almost on the island, one was the flag of Marshall D Teech or Blackbeard. The other was the flag of the new founded cross guild lead by Buggy and the last of them was the crew of Shanks.

The battle has already started as Law and Kidds Crew along with the captains were holding the three off. Jack and his crew arrived at the scene and he immediately asked Luffy "So what is the purpose of this attack?"

"They're after the one piece and if one of the emperors eliminate me and the others then it's all theirs, I'll talk to Shanks though because he's my friend."

Luffy answered.

Jack went on to join the fight, as did all the others. Emily and Nami joined up and fought the weaker fighters, Barbosa and Zoro fought with the sword fighters, Sanji and Will fought more of the stronger enemies as well as Robin and Elizabeth and Usopp and Gibbs fought as best they could.

"Well it looks like Roronoa Zoro has got himself a little sidekick" said Mihawk

"A sidekick?" "oh I wouldn't call myself a sidekick, more of a teammate" Barbosa said.

"Whatever I'll take you both down and call it a day" replied Mihawk.

A little angered by this Zoro said "haven't you forgotten that my goal is to become the world's greatest swordsman?"

"Oh yes that silly dream of yours, thinking you can surpass me, hmph pathetic." Mihawk said

Barbosa then lunged at Mihawk and their duel started, Barbosa held pretty well against him but eventually got tired and forced to back down.

Zoro took advantage of the fact that Mihawk was now weakened a little bit and after a few minutes of back and forth Zoro finally got Mihawk on the ground and said "so do you yield or not?"

With a look of disbelief Mihawk held out his hand and said "well congratulations it seems you've taken my place"

After barreling through a bunch of enemies Luffy found his way to Shanks, he saw Kidd on the ground assuming that he was taken out, he stood and yelled "hey Shanks how's it going?"

Shanks turned around and said "well hello there Luffy have you come to face me in battle or what?"

"You know I could never do that, I want to know why the attack?"

"Look, I was targeting Kidd and Laws crew not yours and these new guys you've seemed to ally with."
Shanks replied

Before Luffy could speak he saw Blackbeard and Buggy making their way over to the other two.

"Ugh what could they want"
Asked Shanks

"We'll find out I guess" Luffy said

"Zehahaha, look at you two teaming up, just like big mom and Kaido did" Said Blackbeard

"Yeah but at least Luffy and I respect each other unlike those other two" Shanks said

Blackbeard rolled his eyes and then said "Oh well, I'm here to defeat you both and steal your devil fruits"

"Uh he doesn't have one.." Luffy said

"But I do" Buggy replied

"Oh shut up Buggy" Shanks said

After a little back and forth Luffy went into gear 5 and started battling with Blackbeard.

Shanks and Buggy fought each other as rivals.

As that battle was going on Jack encountered Buggy's subordinate, Crocodile.

They talked for a bit and then the fight began.

Just as Luffy was about to finish the blow on Blackbeard three cannon shots were heard and immediately after the ships of Buggy, Blackbeard and Shanks started to sink.

The battle abruptly stopped when they saw a fleet of the marines and a unfamiliar ship leading the way

"Jack is that who I think it is" Will asked

Jack could only nod as he knew their enemy Cutler Beckett had been up to something

With the den den mushi Beckett started to speak "Emperors of the sea, by order of the world government you are forced to surrender. Join us or face the consequences."

Just like that the three emperors took their crew with them and hopped aboard the ship that was provided.

Beckett continued "Emperor Luffy and Jack Sparrow, either comply now or we will open fire"

Jack and Luffy looked at each other with worry but before anything happened, Law, Kidd, Jinbe and Will stepped in front of them"

"Don't worry we'll hold them off, you guys get to the Pearl and the Sunny.

Elizabeth and Emily ran up to Will, crying saying "please don't sacrifice yourself"

Will smiled turned to Elizabeth and said "Honey I love you and we'll be together again someday I promise,"

He turned to Emily and said the same "I love you as well sweetie" the girls gave him a hug and the 4 went off.

Jack and the rest of them and Luffy and the rest of his crew ran off to their ships

Law and Kidd went one way and Will and Jinbe went the other fighting off as many marines as they could.

The others made it back to their ship and set sail, hoping to get away from the now powerful world government.

AN: so only a couple more chapters left until the story is completed, I hope you enjoyed this one.

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