Chapter 4: Barbosa Vs Zoro

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"Aye you be pretty good with those swords there lad" Barbosa said as he and Zoro circled around each other.

"Let's cut the small talk and continue to fight" Zoro exclaimed.

Barbosa being a little respectful guy complied with Zoro and swung his sword and Zoro being a whole lot more skilled and aggressive than him blocked it with his three sword style.

Barbosa decided to throw Zoro off by telling Jack the monkey to mess with him and all Zoro saw was a monkey throwing stuff and now also fighting him with a sword a little more tinier than most, Barbosa tried sneaking around and delivering a blow to Zoro, not wanting to stabor kill him but at least knock him off his feet, Zoro having observation haki knew it was coming and knocked Barbosa down instead.

"Stay down and don't get back up"  Zoro told him, Barbosa now being frustrated got back up and started to be a formidable opponent towards Zoro,

Zoro now getting frustrated thought "can't this guy just stay down" which Barbosa wasn't going to do so without a good fight, though Zoro didn't like it, he decided to at least be a little merciful and use one sword to make it a little more fair but deep down he knew he would still win anyway.

It was an epic fight as they both went around the Pearl, climbing up the posts and fighting on the side of the ship, Barbosa surprisingly held his own against Zoro, defending the blows that were dished out but it wasn't until they got to the lower deck that he was starting to slow down

"Had enough yet?" Zoro asked

Not until you're the one on the ground." replied Barbosa.

After a few more minutes of fighting and getting back up on the main deck  Zoro knocked him down and had him at sword point.

"You can either die here or wait till my captain is done with yours" Zoro said

"It seems you have bested me and I commend you for that, let us make a truce for now" Barbosa said hoping it would work.

"Fine I won't kill you but I sure won't make a truce until I know my captain says you guys are good" Zoro told him

"Then let that be the case for now" Said barbosa as he looked around at the other fights happening

Authors notes: Hope you guys enjoyed the small chapter, this story will go as usual in terms of schedule but in the future i may just do one chapter a week just to keep you in suspense and to think of more ideas to have the story be a little longer. I will say also that these next few chapters for the fights will be a little shorter than usual but I'll still make it good as best I can

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