Chapter 10: Beckett and the world government.

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Beckett and his battalion had been sailing for about two days in the strange world they had come to with no sign of sparrows crew which frustrated Beckett as he followed them there and had no way to get back to the East Indian headquarters.

He figured there was some sort of government or world power around but they hadn't discovered him until he was proved wrong when a big naval vessel with a dog as its figurehead appeared and a voice boomed into the air, Beckett having no clue how it was done listened to this mysterious voice, "I am vice admiral Garp of the marines, state your business, you're on world government waters, it would be best to give an answer quickly before consequences arise"

Beckett had realized there was a snail that he remembered snagging off a small pirate crew and that it was a form of communication so he picked up this so called den den mushi, and replied "I am Cutler Beckett of the East Indian company, you've probably never heard of us as this world is new but we are looking for a band of pirates who call themselves the motley crew. The captains name is Jack sparrow. I was unaware that my battalion and I were sailing on restricted waters and we shall depart immediately"

There was silence for a sec until Garp spoke again  this time in a much more serious tone "I think I know something about those pirates you're talking about, we've gotten news about them that you should probably know, follow my ship and we will escort you to Marie Geosie"

Beckett told his ship navigator to follow Garp, and they sailed for about a couple hours before they arrived at Marie Geosie, they docked their ship and Beckett along with a couple soldiers  met Garp on the way and they shook hands and went up to where they held reveries..

They sat down in a meeting room, and Garp introduced Beckett to the five elders and Imu who wanted to meet Beckett. "You may leave the room Vice Admiral we'll be here for a while with him" Imu said to Garp. Garp nodded his head and walked out and Imu continued "I'm sure the Vice Admiral has told you that we recently made a discovery about these pirates that you're seeking." "is that correct?" "Yes." Beckett replied

Imu then proceeded to tell him "These Motley Crew pirates you speak of have recently come across one of the 4 emperors of the sea, and a dangerous one at that, this Emperors name is Monkey D Luffy, or people call him Luffy. It's reported that this captain Jack Sparrow you speak of has joined forces with the Straw hat crew and that's not good, they may teach your little friends their methods which are called haki, and that is a threat to the government and a threat to myself, but that's not the only problem, the problem is that Luffy is searching for a treasure called the one piece and no one knows what it is except one who was executed by us, Gol D Roger, before he died he admitted to us what the one piece was, it's a key to becoming not only king of the pirates but apparently there is also a thing with the one piece that tells how to take the world government down. That is something that we do not want and we will stop at nothing to make sure Luffy, Shanks, Blackbeard or Buggy don't get their hands on it. If we can get to it or even destroy it, the pirates will have nothing."

Beckett understood what Imu was saying but he didn't know what Jacks crew had to do with it so he asked "if I may, what does the likes of Jack Sparrow joining with this Luffy bloke have anything to do with this one piece?"

Imu stood for a bit and then replied "everything, if the straw hats have allies with them, there's bound to eventually be a fight between the four emperors because all of them are looking for it, if Sparrows crew can help Luffy take everyone down then that leaves them to go straight to raftel, The other thing that could go sideways is all four emperors including some other pirates like trafalger law could join forces and theme their attention to us which is the worst case scenario, what I ask of you today Cutler Beckett is that you help our cause and finally end this pirate era that started with Roger's declaration."

Beckett thought for a second, then smiled "well as they say, the enemy of my enemy is a friend."

Authors note: I decided to do this chapter a day earlier as I'll be busy with other stuff tomorrow, I'll try to get my Tanya chapter published as well so if you're reading that you can expect a chapter tomorrow, as for this story I hope you're enjoying it and I thank you for reading and hope that you continue to follow along.

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