Chapter 3: Sparrow vs The Strawhats

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"Where is land?" Barbosa asked, as they were out at sea for a couple days now, spotting a couple ships but none attacked which was strange for a sea with what seemed to be pirates but it was ok as long as no one died or anything like that.
"There's gotta be land somewhere" the crowsnest guy named Spencer said.

Elizabeth walked into the captains cabin where Will was reading something and asked "Honey have you seen Emily?" "I think she was sleeping I don't know" replied Will "well you're no help right now" Elizabeth said as she walked out frustrated.

Just a few seconds later Emily who was just a teenager, with her moms hair colour and her dads eyes, came from below deck with a little wobble to her walk and slurred words saw her mom and said "oh hey" Elizabeth chided "don't you "Hey" me, young lady, where have you been and have you been drinking?" Emily knowing that she might have been caught red handed tried running but almost fell, if it wasn't for Jack who caught her mid fall, "Hi captain" Emily said with a wink and Jack being disgusted by her actions and her breath said "Ah so that's why the rum was gone." Propping her back up, Jack Turned to Elizabeth and said "like mother like daughter eh"

"Oh don't you start Jack" Elizabeth said whilst throwing a apple at him, Jack dodged it and turned to Emily and said "a bit feisty ain't she"
Before Elizabeth could try to harm Jack any further Spencer caught their attention and yelled "there's a ship just over there and it's not Beckett that's for sure!"

After hearing that, Will, Barbosa, and Gibbs came to see what the commotion was about and just a little bit ahead of them was a ship with a lion head at the front and a sail that had a skull with crossbones and the skull had a hat that wasn't a typical pirate hat on it.

"Oh great another ship" Gibbs said knowing they probably would ignore them

"Wait it looks like they're heading right beside us" Will told them

Then we shall prepare to greet them and then raid them of their drinks" Jack said

"Why is it always drinks with you? What we need right now is money from this world because until we can find how to get out or at least find something worth it here, our resources will not last us" Elizabeth Cautioned them.

They watched as the new ship came up to theirs  and Jack being the captain stepped to where he could be seen and greet their captain. After both ships stopped and anchored, Luffy came up and introduced himself "Hello I'm Monkey D Luffy of the strawhat pirates and I'm going to be the pirate king! Who are you?"

Jack replied "I'm Jack sparrow and this is my crew, and pirate king? if anyone is a king of the pirates it's me!"

Will saw that this Luffy guy wasn't happy at all after Jack said that, "Luffy in fact being mad at that statement said "you haven't found the one piece so you can't be, but if you are the king of the pirates then fight me!"

Jack being confused at what this "One piece" was but obviously knowing it was possibly a key to becoming a king of the pirates said "yes I have indeed found this one piece that you speak of and there's no way that the likes of you is going to snag it off me"

"Jack what did you do?" Elizabeth said,
"Do you not realize this will get us killed?"

Jack being a little optimistic said "this captain is a kid not much older than your daughter, I'm sure I can take him."

"Damn it Jack don't fight him" muttered Will
It was too late, everyone including the crew of this ship heard the words "Gear 4 snakeman", after that Luffy said "Zoro, Sanji, Robin, Usopp and Nami pick who you want to fight, but I've got the captain"

Matches were being made as Zoro approached Barbosa, and swords clashed, Sanji and will took to fighting with no weapons, Robin, and Elizabeth had a battle of wits, Usopp and Gibbs took to trying to shoot each other but Nami and Emily had a little exchange before fighting,

"Hey nice to meet you I'm Emily, you ready to be robbed?" Nami knowing this girl was bluffing said "Hey I'm Nami, but there's no chance in hell that you're getting anything from me"
"You may be all bark but let's see you bite" Emily said

Luffy, knowing this fight was going to be at least 5 seconds jumped up and tried to knock Jack down but Jack wasn't going down so easy and so he dodged Luffys attacks and started throwing stuff at him as he was Luffy grew tired of Jacks antics.

Authors notes: well that ends the chapter for now, I'll definitely make a second part to this plot and probably do a fight for each chapter which will be possibly shorter. Another note is my schedule will be as follows: Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. And maybe Sundays.

Hope you're all enjoying the story and the adventures in the new world

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