Chapter 15: The Split

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After getting away from the marines the two crews found a pile of rocks where the ships could hide. They anchored and Luffy got on the Pearl to talk to Jack.

With anger and grief in his voice, Luffy said "Who is that guy!?"

"Cutler Beckett" Jack said and then continued

"I'm sure you want to know what he plans to do and whatnot so here's the truth, he followed us to  this world and tried chasing us as he had in ours, he's a very clever and smart man, he can manipulate both sides to essentially fall into his trap it happened with me and a pirate I owe a debt to called Davy Jones. It seems to me that he convinced whoever the leader of your world is to take command and he now has three of the emperors and admittedly  your friends
Law, Kidd and Jinbe are probably dead.."

Tears started running down Luffy's eyes "no you can't say that, Jinbe is strong he can deal with anything and what about your crewmate Will, you think he's dead too?!"

"I can assume so, listen Luffy we need you guys more than ever, we need to gather up any of your other friends or people you know to fight back against Beckett and your world government and the emperors. I will say though that Shanks may be resistant to whatever Beckett has planned but the other two may agree with it.

Luffy paused for a moment and Nami came up to him put her hand on his shoulder and said "look I think Jack is right, we can't go after the one piece if the government is this strong and if this Beckett guy is who Jack says he is"

The rest of the Strawhats nodded their heads in agreement

Luffy still not listening turned around and told Franky "raise up the anchor we're leaving, you guys can face all of them alone until I find the one piece if it can hopefully hold the key to defeating the government."

"But Luffy what Jack be saying is Beckett can't be stopped, your world government may be able to crumble if you find this treasure but with Beckett at the helm he'll just find another way" Barbosa said

"I'm not changing my mind, you guys can say your goodbyes but then we're going to raftel"
Luffy said

The rest of the Strawhats came onto the pearl, Nami and Emily had a tearful goodbye not knowing if they would see each other again

Robin and Elizabeth hugged and wished each other good luck.

Sanji stood wishing he could have said goodbye to Will knowing he was probably now below the surface in the depths of the sea.

Barbosa and Zoro shook hands and nodded at each other.

Gibbs and Usopp gave each other a salute

Franky and chopper both gave all the black pearl crew a hug with tears

Brook simply played binks sake and the memory of his old crewmates came back to him and he hoped it wouldn't turn out the way it did back when he was alive.

The strawhat crew went back onto their own ship raised the anchor then they sailed off into the sunset.

AN: one more chapter to go. As I near the end I apologize for the rush it was definitely writers block which held me back for quite some time and I hope you're enjoying the chapters and the story itself.

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