Chapter 9: The worst pirate vs the future king of the pirates

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Luffy stood on the deck of the Pearl, looking around at the victories that his crew had accomplished and smiled, after he turned his attention over to Jack and said "you see, this is the power of my crew so I'm giving you one last chance to surrender yourself or face the consequences."

Jack being arrogant and still a little hopeful exclaimed "surrender?, now that's a word that I'm familiar with, but there's not a chance that I'll surrender to the likes of a child"

Before Jack knew it he heard Luffy speaking the words "gum gum pistol!" and all Jack saw next was a fist to his face and now being knocked down on the ground he quickly got up and smirked then he pulled out his gun and said "is this what you mean by pistol?" Then took shots at Luffy.

Luffy dodged all of them or he used his devil fruit power to deter the bullet and brushed his shoulder while smiling "oh you haven't seen anything yet" he then announced the words "Gear 4 Snakeman!!" Jack now confused on what was going on, could only look in fear as he knew whatever this Luffy guy had planned for him, it wasn't going to end up good.

After his transformation, Luffy picked up Jack and started using him as if he was nothing but a rag doll, he started throwing Jack in the air and punching him as hard as possible, he realized that he didn't want to kill this guy so he eased up but his punches weren't being pulled, Jack could do nothing but take the pain and suffering that he was going through and everyone on his crew could do nothing but look on in shock at what was happening to their captain.

After a while Luffy got bored and gave one final blow to Jack, after which he asked "So have you had enough now?"

All Jack could muster at that point was a groan and Luffy took that as a yes. He then turned to his crew and announced "we have taken down these pirates so let's leave them to the sea kings!"

Robin now piped up "as fun as that sounds, they could be of some use to us, why don't you let them sail with us or at least get back to where they came from, these people all seem nice and we shouldn't leave them to that fate"

Luffy now thinking about it said "hmm you know maybe they could help us find the one piece, or even help us fight Buggy and Blackbeard if we run into them"

Nami now had a look of fear and told Luffy "do you not realize that they couldn't even defeat us? How do you expect them to survive against the likes of Blackbeard or the cross guild, let alone the world government?!"

William and Elizabeth looked at each other wondering what all this talk about world government or Blackbeard or a cross guild was but Emily now spoke up "also I should let you know that someone else from our world came through, his name is Beckett and if you guys are talking about a world government, he may just join their forces and both of us are doomed"

"How about we train you guys and teach you the ways of Haki, Zoro teaches Barbosa, Sanji teaches Will, Robin teaches Elizabeth, Usopp Teaches Gibbs, Nami will teach Emily her stuff and finally Luffy could teach Jack about whatever" Jinbe suggested

Much to Sanjis protest and Zoros hesitation, The rest of the strawhats including Luffy decided it would be a good idea to teach them, as what they were facing would require training if they were to face the likes of the marines, Buggy's crew or Blackbeard's crew.

So with everything set in stone, the Black Pearl crew and the Sunny Crew joined forces and ready to face whatever foe who came across them.

Authors note: So that's the end of the chapter and we've now reached the 10 chapter mark and there's bound to be more, hopefully you enjoyed the individual fight chapters  but now with the story i will be doing big fights involving multiple characters so unless I change my mind there won't be any person vs person, it'll be a group vs group. All I'll say for chapter 10 is that we won't see the strawhats or the black Pearl crew..

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