Chapter 8: Nami vs Emily

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"There's no chance in hell that you're getting anything off of me" Nami said with a serious look

Emily being quite surprised by Namis statement thought "she may be cocky I'll give her that but she won't be able to handle my skills"

Reflecting her thoughts she said aloud "you sound like you're all bark but let's see if you have bite."

Nami smirked and said "alright let's fight and I would say typically not show mercy but luffy said not to kill anyone so I won't and I kind of like you so hopefully after this we can be friends"

Emily replied with "yeah so do I but let's get this fight over with"

Emily and Nami resorted to using anything and everything they could find, using methods that all their friends and family used.

They tried taking shots at each other with guns/slingshots like Usopp and Gibbs but to no avail they never got a hit.

Then they moved on by doing a bow and arrow thing like Robin and Elizabeth but again it wasn't working out.

They then decided to do hand to hand combat for a while like Emily's dad and sanji which worked, punch after punch was thrown and kicks were given, both girls started bleeding from their noses and other places and they both were breathing heavily.

Through laboured breath Emily said "ok I'm not giving up yet but can we move on to something else please?"

Nami agreeing replied saying "here take this" she handed Emily a sword while she handled one as well and then after a short break they went back to fighting now with the swords, it was a very long and intense fight as they jumped in the air and always clashing with each other, Nami was also using Zeus, the cloud or thing from big mom that joined her during the strawhats battle in Wano. Which physically and literally shocked Emily, Zoro was looking at the battle and he was quite surprised to see Nami, someone who he thought couldn't fight with a sword, fight with such precision.

After about 20 more minutes of fighting Emily finally got tired out and dropped her sword out of surrender and said "I know I said I would rob you but since you clearly won you can take whatever you want from where I sleep in the ship."

Nami was humble enough to say "well you know you said it yourself, you for sure got my bark and you definitely got my bite." she laughed and continued "let's call this one a draw but I don't know if Luffy wants me to capture you or not so like I said let's be friends regardless of what happens"

Emily nodded and replied "yeah you seem like a nice person"

They looked over at Luffy and Jack wondering what would happen and they chatted like nothing was happening.

Authors note: yes I know i did say I would do longer chapters but this is all I've got and plus I'm sick as of writing this so that's also to blame but I'm hoping the Jack vs Luffy chapter will be long. Also i realize that I have a character named Emily and the actress for Nami in the live action version of one piece is named Emily but there's no affiliation there between the two. Hopefully you're liking the story overall and that you enjoyed this chapter. Next chapter will be up next week or maybe earlier.

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