Chapter 16: The tides of war

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It had been three weeks since the world government had taken control of the three emperors and were searching for one more and despite his other rivals falling for whatever lies this Beckett guy was saying, Shanks wasn't having any of it. He devised a plan to escape and warn Luffy and Jack sparrow about the plans that he had overheard but he had to fake his allegiance and he had to do it well.

A couple days later, Shanks had finally found a way to escape but it was impossible with marine soldiers guarding and if he was caught by Blackbeard or Buggy it was over. He waited till dinner when everyone was distracted, before he could get to a row boat he ran into the head of it all Cutler Beckett

"Mr Shanks I must ask where are you going this time of night?"
Beckett asked

"Ah I was just inspecting all these lifeboats sir, making sure they're all safe in case we need them"

Shanks said hoping is lie would work

"Inspecting the lifeboats, hmm well I keep a very tight schedule on this ship and to my knowledge they were inspected by a marine just a couple hours ago. Now why would they need to be inspected again?" Beckett now more suspicious of Shanks

"Well you never know"
Shanks said with worry

"Well it seems to me that maybe you're trying to escape and maybe meet up with someone and if I recall the consequence for that is death"
Beckett said chillingly

Shanks gulped and then pulled out his sword trying to initiate a fight but one of the admirals Kizaru immediately took it out of his hand and without hesitation Beckett pulled the trigger on his gun and threw Shanks off the boat

"Three weeks of sailing and we still haven't found it" Zoro complained

"The island has to be here somewhere I just know it" Luffy responded

While Zoro and Luffy were trying to figure out what went wrong, Nami was looking at the newspaper and found something Luffy wouldn't like

"Hey.. uh Luffy you're going to want to see this" She said

"Ooh have you found the island yet?!" Luffy asked excitedly

"No it's something in the news here" Nami replied

Luffy didn't even look at for ten seconds when he shut the paper and with a serious look said "forget the one piece for now. Jack was right this Beckett guy needs to be stopped and I'll be the one to do it!"

Everyone except Nami simultaneously asked "wait what's wrong Luffy?"

"They killed Shanks. I knew he wouldn't agree with them and now he's gone because they found him out"

Usopp pulled out a Den Den mushi and said "Gibbs told me to use this in case we ever wanted to find them again and join them in the fight, should we use it?"

Luffy grabbed it and started speaking "hello is anyone there"

The person on the other line wasn't any of jacks crew but it was Vivi who answered "hey it's about time Luffy" She said

Nami and Sanji Slightly Concerned both asked "Vivi are you ok did they kidnap you"

Emily now spoke and laughed "I thought you would be worried there but no she's joining the cause and we're gathering up more allies as we speak"

Jack took it and spoke saying "So Luffy will you help us now?"

Luffy looked at the crew and they all nodded in agreement and asked "so where are you going?"

"Meet us in dressrosa" Jack replied

"Perfect, we'll see you there" Luffy responded and the Mushi clicked off

Luffy looked out at the open ocean and at the sky knowing Shanks and Jinbe were watching him and turned to the strawhat crew and said "Let's go take down the world government and show Beckett who the future king of the pirates is going to be."

AN: that's the end of the first book, there will be a second book later but I have another one in mind so that will come out after I finish this next book which will be a Harry Potter one so if you're a fan of that stay tuned. Again I hope you enjoyed and stay tuned.

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