Chapter 11: Training

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Sailing on the sea, Jack noticed that Luffys crew was leading them to an island that seemed pretty empty and that's where he assumed they would train them, as they got closer they saw a ship already anchored there.
"Oh great more enemies" said will

"well actually it's a couple allies of ours and they know you're with us, they're on the island to make sure none of the other pirates attack" replied Nami

"plus they're also going to help us with some training" Zoro added

Everyone in jacks crew nodded and they got to the island and docked.

After hopping off the ship they were met with captain trafalgar law of the heart pirates and eaustass kidd of the Kidd pirates.

Luffy greeted Law with a handshake, while Kidd gave him the cold shoulder, Jack looked confused and asked "what's up with him?"

Luffy laughed and said "oh he's just jealous that I took down one of the previous emperor's"

Barbosa chimed in saying "ah reminds me of our little rivalry we had eh Jack"

"Surely" Jack replied

Emily caught sight of bepo the bear and she ran up to him and said "oh my gosh can I get a hug from you" bepo was confused by this but he agreed and after some greetings everyone gathered,
Nami stepped in for luffy to give commands and said "ok from our crew, franky, jinbe, brook and chopper you guys stay with law and kidds crew and keep an eye out for Blackbeard, buggy, shanks or any of the marines and come alert one of us if they show up, Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, Robin and I will do some training while Law and Kidd come and help us out as well, Sound good everyone?!" There were nods and shouts of "Aye aye" and they left to go train
Zoro took Barbosa with him and as they were walking Zoro couldn't find a good place to go or he kept walking into where the others were doing lessons, Sanji being one of them got annoyed quick "you mosshead go find your own damn area, I'm trying to train Will here!" shouted Sanji

"That's what I'm trying to do you idiot cook!" Zoro replied
"Idiot?" "If anyone's the idiot it's you,
You're always getting lost which that's what I think is happening!" Sanji said

Trying to cool down the situation Barbosa interrupted and apologized then turned to Zoro and said "I'll find a place for us to go but you can teach since you know more than me sound fair?"

Zoro agreed and barbosa found them a spot to go train.

"I guess I'm teaching you haki and crap. Now I know you don't have three swords so I can't teach you three sword style, although I do recall you using two swords against me when we fought so at least we can start with that"
Zoro continued,

"I possess three types of haki which is armament, observation and conquerors. Conquerors haki takes 2 years to train and master and we don't have that time so what I'm going to teach you is armament and observation as they are the more simpler ones to learn so take out your swords and we'll fight, what I want to teach you first is observation as it's important to know what your enemy is going to do before it happens, then we'll get to armament as that ones more of a channeling power and you can achieve that once you have observation haki."

Barbosa took out his two swords and Zoro used his three but because Zoro knew how their first fight went and that this was training/teaching, he needed to go easy on barbosa as to make sure he understood and was able to get it.

It took barbosa some time to figure it out and Zoro was testing him on trying to use haki and eventually block his oncoming attacks, Zoro never cut barbosa but for the times he failed, Zoro would hit him with the handle of one of his swords as a consequence. Eventually barbosa got it and was dodging or blocking Zoros attacks and by then it was night and so Zoro told him to take a rest and they would continue the next day for armament haki.

Authors note: we are now in the second arc of the story, the training and first big battle arc, these next few chapters are going to cover everyone who fought each other, now either teaching or learning haki or moves that characters use. So hopefully you enjoyed the first chapter of this arc and that you're looking forward to the next.

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