Chapter 7: Gibbs Vs Usopp

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Amongst the commotion of the fighting Gibbs took two guns and put them in the holsters and ran to go help Jack take down this Luffy guy but he immediately was stopped by a man who had a sort of Afro and goggles on the top of his head, Gibbs wasn't phased by this and pulled out one of his guns and said

"if you move I'll let you live if you don't then too bad"

The man said "no I can't let you go after my captain I have to stop you"

Gibbs being amused by this asked "I admire your courage, may I ask your name?"

The man replied and told him his name was Usopp

Gibbs said "good to meet you, but now again move or be moved"

Usopp still refused but as Gibbs tried to pull the trigger, Usopp took a slingshot and knocked the gun straight out of Gibbs' hand

"What the blazes how did you do that?!" Gibbs asked

Usopp said "look I have a very high bounty on my head and I'm not someone you should be messing with so how about you surrender and if you try anything then I'll take you captive"

Gibbs could tell Usopp was lying or at least not telling the whole truth so he said "I can tell you're just doing what any pirate would do, lie to someone and I'm done playing your little game of cat and mouse so goodbye" he took out the second gun, shot at Usopp but for some reason it either missed by some small chance or somehow Usopp had dodged that shot and Gibbs couldn't put it together.

Usopp had in fact dodged the shot and now he was getting mad so he took his sling and shot right at Gibbs and it connected, Gibbs winced in pain and then it turned into a shootout, bullets and whatever Usopp was using, but Usopp was getting more shots to Gibbs than Gibbs to Usopp,

It went on and on shot after shot until Gibbs sat down and put down his guns then said "well I have to admit you're pretty good and I guess I won't come after your captain, I'll let mine handle him"

Usopp laughed and said "yeah right like your captain could defeat mine"

Usopp sat beside Gibbs just to make sure he wouldn't get away and watched as Nami and Luffy fought their opponents

Authors note: I apologize for the shorter chapter as I didn't really have much for this one but I'm hoping to make chapter eight and nine longer.

All rights go to Disney and Eicchiro oda for their respective properties.

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