Chapter 5: Will vs Sanji

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Will hopped aboard the strawhats (as they called themselves) ship as he was met with a tall man with blonde hair, curly eyebrows and a sharp black suit, will thought to himself "if this was our world he would be seen as one of the East Indian higher ups" but he wasn't of course he was a pirate.

He saw that this man was looking at both his wife and daughter and apparently the women that they were fighting in a very lustful kind of way, Will knowing he wouldn't stand for that as it was his wife and his daughter which made him more angry at this guy as he looked about 22 and Emily was just shy of 18, after observing Will told him "will you stop looking at them for heavens sake and tell me what your name is?"

The man turned to him and said "the names sanji, only reason I was looking at them was because there's two women down there who admire, i couldn't care less about those two"
Will looked and saw a skeleton man with an Afro and all he heard was a laugh and some words after: "yohohohoho, Sanji here is clearly lying I know him better than anyone"
Sanji visibly angry now told this skeleton by the name of brook to "shut up before I strangle you to death"

Brook replied "you can't I'm already dead, yohohoho"


"Fine you got me Sanji said but if I recall my captains words, I'm supposed to put you down"

"Not if I strangle you to death first" Will said while gritting his teeth

As the action started, Will quickly learned that Sanji liked to fight with his legs but will only knew hand to hand combat so he did what he could and threw punches were openings were made and kicked him where he could.

Sanji as cool and collected as ever, did what he knew best but to make sure he did what luffy asked him and the others to do he decided to fight with his hands, despite not liking it he realized if he infused his arms with haki, the fight would be over in a matter of seconds, so he did exactly that.

Will, threw some punches with Sanji dodging then but then before he knew it Sanji did something like using a power he had never used before and Sanjis punches after making contact started to hurt a little more than a punch should, Will started to try and give Sanji a taste of his own medicine but nothing would work and as went for a kick, Sanji grabbed Wills leg flipped him around and with one last punch, knocked Will out cold.

Authors notes: hey everyone, hope you're enjoying the story and again I apologize for the shorter chapters but I promise they'll get longer as time goes on, I also will try to do at least a chapter per week. Make sure to check out my Zelda and marvel story as that one will have some interesting stuff coming up in the later chapters.

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