☆~18 YEARS~☆ 1

755 15 3

Pov/ Point of View: Name:(...)
Speaking: Name: "..."
3rd Person View: ...
Action/timeleap: *...*
Phone or Text: Name: #...#


Takemichi sat in the car, listening to music with his luggage. He was reading a book, Number The Stars. He was moving into college in Tokyo, it was his first time being apart from his parents for 3 weeks.

They soon arrived there and Takemichi said goodbye to his loving parents. He tried not to cry but it was hard, at least he would see them in 3 weeks.

When he was about to go in he saw a boy with blonde hair staring at him through the window, he didn't think much of it. Once he went in, he was greeted by a teacher. She showed him around the campus since he couldn't come on the first day due to some problems.

He got into his dorm, he shared it with a boy named Hakkai. He was probably out. He then made the bed and put on some clean sheets, and put a picture on his desk of him and his family; he was an only child. He sat on his bed, the room was empty, filled with depressing colors. He'd decorate later.

He woke up to someone knocking on his door. He sat up and put on his slippers. He opened the door to find a man with blue hair that looked way older, he assumed this was Hakkai. The man with blue-dyed hair greeted him.

Hakkai: "Hi! My name is Hakkai, your name is Takemichi, right?

Takemichi: "Yeah it is! It's great to meet you!"

It turned out Hakkai wanted to bond as roommates. They made chocolate chip cookies and dinner together. They then went off to sleep since they had school tomorrow.

He walked into class with his textbook along with a group of students. Thankfully Hakkai was in his class and they gladly chitchat during class about work.

He noticed this boy and girl with blonde hair not paying attention, bored as ever. The boy was drawing something, he couldn't see though. He did catch a small glimpse since he was already one of the early students. It looked familiar, he couldn't quite remember what. He somehow knew it was somewhere in Paris. But he'd never traveled out of the country, he just had this gut feeling.

After class, he went out on the campus. He picked up a soda can and threw it in the garbage to avoid litter. He suddenly looked up, and the statue looked different...

Suddenly it began to fall, but he paid close attention to the statue. Then someone grabbed him from behind and they rolled over on the grass into a position where Takemichi was pinned to the grass in the bright sun. Takemichi's cheeks were completely pink.

He imagined something, but it felt more like a flashback. It was 1777 he was walking down the streets of Paris holding hands with the blonde boy. Scarfs covering their red faces due to coldness.

The one that saved him was the same boy with blonde hair that wasn't paying attention in class. Up close he was kind of handsome. His dark blue eyes widened as he realized the position.

He then stood up and left. The bystanders came to help him up. It was that girl he saw next to the boy. They looked similar. Their genes were great! They must be siblings. Next to her was a girl with short pink hair.

Emma: "ARE YOU OK!?"

Takemichi: "Uh huh..."

He touched his head, his eyes half open due to the sun right in front of him.

Hinata: "Are you sure?"

She was a little calmer.

The principal rushed out.

Principal: "IS ANYONE INGURED!?"

All 3 students kept calm and swayed their heads.

Takemichi lay in bed, thinking about all that happened. His cheeks again turned a bright red shade, he remembered the boy's face.

Takemichi: (Hm... Sano Manjiro... I think that's his name)

He lay on his stomach, hiding his flustered face on his pillow. He felt a connection to him. Like he'd known him for a very long time. And what was that thought? It felt so real... he could feel the cold, even though it wasn't real... right? He looked outside his window on the 5th floor. He decided to cool his mind.

He went out on the balcony he had in his room. He sat there covered by his blanket. He cooled his mind down, he finally decided to sleep.

//Don't mind spelling mistakes:D//

My Reincarnated Boyfriend♡◇♡《Mitake》Where stories live. Discover now