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Pov/ Point of View: Name:(...)
Speaking: Name: "..."
3rd Person View: ...
Action/timeleap: *...*
Phone or Text: Name: #...#
Additional Info: //...//


They both entered the room, the room was warm and Mikey walked toward his bed while Takemichi just sat at the edge of his bed. It was obvious he was much calmer than when he confronted him. Mikey turned to look at him, his blue eyes were staring calmly at him like he already knew everything.

Takemichi: "I've never been much religious, so mind explaining?"

He said it so quietly Mikey could barely hear him. But it made him freak out! If his family wasn't religious... he did find it weird that he'd never wore a cross necklace like in the past. This was bad, really bad! If he wasn't baptized he wouldn't reincarnate. That should've been the first thing he asked him! If he wasn't baptized this means it's their last chance, or he'll die forever.

Mikey: "Well are you baptized?"

Despite Mikey's calm tone, he heard the anxious whine in his tone.

Takemichi: "No my parents aren't religious, are you ok?"

Silence followed, Takemichi looked at Mikey who had a soulless expression on his face. He started to call out his name, but it didn't work Mikey was in his world. A few seconds later Takemichi gave up trying to call his name, but instead, he just moved next to him and, well it was his first time doing this but he touched Mikey's hand that was in a fist.

Takemichi: "Mikey-kun? Are you ok?"

Startled, Mikey flinched at the sudden physical touch. Takemichi suddenly found himself wrapped in Mikey's arms.

Mikey: "I love you so much,"

Hm, he could finally say what he'd been longing for so much, what he'd stuttered saying. He turned to look at Takemichi's face, it was all flustered and cute.

Takemichi: "M-mikey-kun! I can't breathe you know!"

Mikey: "Sorry"

He let go of Takemichi and then remembered what Takemichi asked he did tell him he'd answer his questions. But before he could explain Takemichi interrupted him.

Takemichi: "Is it true if we kiss I die?"

Mikey: "Yeah"

Takemichi: "But why do I keep getting reincarnated, at least I think I am."

Mikey: "You are, but I don't know why you keep getting reincarnated, you know this is your last time being reincarnated."

Takemichi: "What?"

Mikey: "You aren't religious right?"

Takemichi: "Correct?"

Mikey: "If you haven't been baptized you can't reincarnate." His voice was shaky,

Takemichi: "But it's different this time right!"

Mikey: "No it isn't Takemichi, it's your last time so you should live a normal life"

Takemichi: "Doesn't it break the curse if you tell me your secret?"

Mikey: "Takemichi we can't risk it, if we kiss you die so it's better if you live a normal life this time"

Takemichi: "Mikey-kun I've finally found out the truth, please?"

Takemichi could tell why in the past he'd married Manjiro. He was attractive with his smokey eyes and possessive personality. Takemichi looked back at Mikey who had completely turned his head to the wall as soon as Takemichi made eye contact. Takemichi giggled, he then hugged Mikey, tears forming in his eyes.

Takemichi: "I want to at least try! If I'm not baptized there might be a possibility!"

Mikey: "Don't be reckless this is your chance you know"

Mikey then felt warm hands cup his face, after a moment of silence he felt Takemichi's soft lips meet his, that feeling he rarely felt since he could never kiss him.

Mikey: "Takemichi! I told you, don't be reckless!"

Takemichi: "I didn't die!"

Mikey: "That doesn't mean you've beaten the curse, it's a curse!"

Mikey let out a low growl, he spread his wings covering both of them. He held tight not letting go.


It started pouring in a matter of seconds, this was bad. The thunder was loud and heavy it seemed like nobody was safe.

Mikey: "Takemichi! Shit this is bad, you're always too reckless!"

Knocks then came from the dorm door, Mikey quickly hid his wings and walked over to the door while keeping an eye on the troublesome young adult. As soon as he opened he regretted the decision.

Emma: "Nii-san! What'd you do this time!? It can't just start raining heavily in a few seconds.. wait... DID YOU KISS HIM!?"

Mikey: "I didn't! He kissed me!"

Emma: "You're so stupid! Luckily he's baptized but we need to go protect him!"

Mikey: "Emma that's the problem.."

Emma: "Idiot protecting him isn't a problem"

Mikey: "...His parents aren't religious"

From behind he heard gasps and a loud "WHAT!?" from Chifuyu.

Baji: "Mikey! You dumbass! We're gonna be stuck here!"

Behind him was calm Mitsuya who tried to calm the others down.

He received a hard slap from his younger sister who was already starting to tear up. He let all of them in, and they all rushed toward the room, this was their last chance and they couldn't lose it. Draken helped Mitsuya keep everything in place and everyone calm, Chifuyu talked to Takemichi and soon enough the room was crowded with glowing feathers surrounding the young adult.

Baji and Kazutora helped look for any signals of danger outside, Mikey's room at this point was all secure, robber-proof. The windows were covered with wood, nails, and tape. While the door was covered by angels acting like bodyguards. On the bed, Chifuyu and Takemichi sat while some others insisted on helping with more security measures. Throughout all that Mikey's younger sister, Emma was making tea. Well, it did help keep everyone calm so it worked in a way. Finally, the strongest angel, Mikey sat on the bed with Takemichi on his lap, it was for safety if anything happened then he'd be able to find him with no effort.

The thunder grew louder and the sky was covered with dark clouds. Soon the moon will be out and if they survived they'd consider it a win for now.

Chifuyu tried calming Takemichi down, who was trying to process all this without freaking out. Chifuyu swears there's smoke coming out of his partner's ears. It so far seemed to be working since Takemichi looked a little calmer, even though his wings weren't as bright as Mikey's they were still mesmerizing to watch and were entertaining.

//Hey guys thanks for reading! I'll go to sleep peacefully now knowing I updated:)//

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