☆~NOVEL~☆ 6

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Pov/ Point of View: Name:(...)
Speaking: Name: "..."
3rd Person View: ...
Action/timeleap: *...*
Phone or Text: Name: #...#
Additional Info: //...//


4 AM

Takemichi woke up lying in Mikey's arms, Mikey's hand around his waist holding him, his grip wasn't that strong and he easily got away. He noticed the sun wasn't out yet. He grabbed his phone to check what time it was, and as soon as he did the screen light blinded him.

Oh well, he still had time to sleep. That's until something caught his eye, he recognized it as the beautiful drawing of what he thought it was Paris Mikey was making on the first day of class. Though it seemed he added watercolor. The moon shone as bright as ever, which allowed him to see the drawing clearer through the curtains. He took a few steps toward the window and immediately noticed something, his face drawn on it. Though he had recently dyed his hair back to his original hair color and let the natural curls out, on the drawing it was his past haircut. But Mikey confirmed they didn't know each other until now, and the drawing looked more like him in another universe.

The drawing contained him smiling as brightly as the sun with blonde curly hair and beautiful bright deep blue eyes on a frame that only covered a section of the drawing. The background was a beautiful park with a sunset and a bench which seemed like it was the perfect scenario for couples. On the side, there was a road with a bunch of shops, and people going in and out of stores. He felt like he'd seen it before, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. On the right corner, there was a date, 1819 January 15th, Paris. So he was correct, it took place in Paris. He had to admit, the painting was beautiful and fascinating.

His heart stopped for a second when he heard a yawn followed by a call to him.

Mikey: "Takemichi? What are you doing up?"

Takemichi turned around to see the boy sitting up and looking at him, he held the painting in his hands.

Takemichi: "Oh I just woke up and saw this painting,"

A moment of silence followed, Mikey just staring him deep in the eye. Takemichi couldn't tell if he was angry, happy, or sad, there was no expression on his face. He looked soulless, he gathered up his courage and asked him...

Takemichi: "Mikey-kun are you ok...?

That was enough to bring Mikey back into reality,

Mikey: "Uh yeah! Can you please put the painting down and come back to bed? I'm just tired."

Takemichi: "Oh right,"

Takemichi put the drawing in its place and walked over to the bed.

They both got comfortable, Mikey's hand gripping him tightly but it made him feel protected. Takemichi enjoyed Mikey nuzzling him on his neck.

Takemichi: "Mikey-kun what were you working on in class?"

Mikey: "You already saw right?"

Takemichi: "Well yeah but I want to know what was the purpose of the drawing,"

Mikey: "I was making a novel and using you as the reference,"

Takemichi: "Ooo~ What's the plot?"

Mikey: "It's about 2 boys that are deeply in love, but"

Mikey paused for a minute.

Takemichi: "But?"

Mikey: "They can't be together."

Takemichi: "Why?"

Mikey: "Because there's a curse, every time they kiss he dies,"

Takemichi: "Who put the curse on them?"

Mikey: "The devil himself, he was jealous of their love."

Takemichi: "What happened to the other boy?"

Mikey: "He stays there, moves to another country learns a new language, but he doesn't age. Then the same boy appears, new name, family everything about him is different except his face, he knows it's him."

Takemichi: "Oh, is there a happy ending?"

Mikey: "Still haven't figured on out."

Takemichi: "Well there has to be one!"

Mikey: "I don't know, he tried everything to stay away from him, finding him before they're meant to meet."

Takemichi: "Still no luck?"

Mikey: "Nope.."

Takemichi was silent, then he asked Mikey

Takemichi: "It's not just a story is it?"

Mikey: "What do you mean?"

Takemichi then started tearing up, he turned and faced Mikey.

Takemichi: "Right?"

Mikey: "Calm down Takemichi it's just a story.."

Takemichi: "No it isn't! I remember everything now! That necklace you have on isn't that the one I gave you at our wedding? It took place in Paris, in 1819 right!?"

Mikey sat up and pulled Takemichi on his lap, Takemichi's tears on Mikey's shirt. It didn't take long until Takemichi fell asleep, then Mikey laid him in bed stroking his hair softly.

Tomorrow was going to be a long day, but it didn't matter anymore, he'd just hug Takemichi till he fell asleep.

//Hiiii ty for reading this chapter<3//

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