215 5 3

Pov/ Point of View: Name:(...)
Speaking: Name: "..."
3rd Person View: ...
Action/timeleap: *...*
Phone or Text: Name: #...#
Additional Info: //...//


Takemichi was just sitting in class, listening to the teacher, doing the work on the computer, that's until he got called into the assistant principal's office.

//AP/Assistant Principal for short//

He entered the room finding Hakkai already sitting in the room.

Ap: Mr. Hanagaki, Mr. Shiba, you're not in trouble, I've calling you here because your dorm room has been recovered. The boys that were fooling around in the dorms will cover the cost.

Great! Now they'd have a dorm room, but still, he wanted to investigate Mikey. He could ask his good friend Akkun, who was busy becoming a hairstylist but he might know a thing or 2 about investigating.

After classes, Takemichi went to Mikey's dorm. He had a spare key so he got in no problem. He went in expecting to hear Mikey and Draken fighting over some childish stuff, but nope, it was silent. To the point you could hear a pin drop, that was weird. Maybe they're out? Oh well, it wasn't his problem anyway. Takemichi made his way to Mikey's room, all the memories flashing back like water in a flowing river. He picked up the stuff he left in his dorm.

He entered his dorm, it was burnt on the side that was next to the other burnt room, thankfully it was just a blank wall the rooms were on the opposite side.

Hakkai: "Takemichi! Your room is undamaged,"

Takemichi: "You went into my room?"

Hakkai: "I was curious,"

Takemichi: "Oh"

Hakkai: "Look the kitchen is pretty good, I guess they had to clean the room and check for ash?"

Takemichi: "I think so"

They kept on talking while doing their homework on their couch.

It's been a few weeks since then, weird things had started happening more often. Once he almost cut his finger off while using scissors. Weirdly enough he hadn't seen Mikey around, he had asked Chifuyu about his whereabouts but every time Chifuyu tells him he's skipping school. At this point how does he get away with it? Chifuyu comes to class... sometimes. Most of their friend group simply skip, it's still a mystery how they made it to the next year. There's something off with their friend group, all students consider them outcasts, and they never speak to anyone other than the people they're interested in. It wasn't his problem though, well maybe. You see he had a mental breakdown in front of Mikey! That was embarrassing, but he had a reason. He still remembers all the stuff that happened that night, though he hadn't contacted Akkun yet. Maybe he should do that? Well sure he had nothing else to do.

He grabbed his phone that was on his nightstand. A few moments later Akkun answered.

Akkun: "Hello?"

Takemichi: "Hey Akkun! It's Takemichi! Are you busy?"

Akkun "Hm not really, need something?"

Takemichi: "Uh... so you know how to find people's deepest darkest secrets right?"

Akkun: "Yeah?"

Takemichi: "Do you know how to investigate someone's past?"

Akkun: "Depends, whose?"

Takemichi: "Our senior, Mikey?"

Akkun: "Uhh I think I can make it work."

Takemichi: "Great meet-up?"

Akkun: "Sure what about right now since I'm free?"

Takemichi: "Kay I'll meet you outside the apartments?"

Akkun: "Kay be there in 5"

They both walked to a nearby park.

Akkun: "I do have this cool website a classmate let me test out."

Takemichi: "Cool! What does it do?"

Akkun: "It can track very old pictures on the internet of someone just by having a picture of someone."

Takemichi: "But what if it was from a very long time ago?"

Akkun: "How long?"

Takemichi: "Just an example! Early 1800?"

Akkun: "I think they did put some pictures online a few years ago of the first pictures taken, they only posted the most beautiful to show how gorgeous photographing is."

Takemichi: "Oh"

Akkun: "They didn't get that popular, though not many people are interested in old pictures."

Takemichi: "Well let's try it on Mikey!"

Akkun: "Have a picture of him?"

Takemichi: "No,"

Akkun sighed,

Akkun: "Takemichi we need a picture of him for it to work!"

Takemichi: "Didn't they redo the pictures last year of the school so they could have more people come to this college? Maybe Mikey is on the school website?"

Akkun: "Always a possibility,"

They searched their school website on the computer Akkun brought.

Akkun: "Oh look it's titled '1st Years Having Fun at ______ College"

Takemichi: "He looks the same as always, though he doesn't seem to be having much fun."

Akkun: "He looks annoyed, why do you even want to look up his past?"

Takemichi: "I have my reasons."

Akkun: "What are they? Oh wait I forgot let me crop the picture to just his face"

Akkun cropped the picture, so it'd only show Mikey's face.

Akkun: "Let it do its magic and wait for a few minutes. Hey, do go wandering off!"

Takemichi: "Chill I'll just hang out on the swings!"

Akkun: "Ok don't hurt yourself!"

Takemichi: "Stop acting like a mom I'm not going to hurt myself!"

A few minutes went by when finally the website found a picture. Akkun's eyes widened in horror.

Akkun: "Come here Takemichi!"

Takemichi: "You look like you've seen a ghost what's wrong?"

Akkun: "Take a look for yourself"

Takemichi leaned against him and took a look at the screen. Immediately his suspicions were answered. The screen pulled up a beautiful couple, a gentleman holding a boy's hand. Mikey and... Takemichi? So he wasn't going crazy. He finally got answers, but how was this possible? Reincarnation? Maybe, he'd never been the type to believe in such things, to him it sounded just like kids saying they've seen aliens.

Takemichi: "Print it out"

Akkun: "Takemichi it's starting to rain, it'll be a 10-minute walk."

Takemichi: "Do you have an explanation? Does rain concern you more than this?"

Akkun: "Fine let's go. Hurry up though!"

It'd only been 3 minutes since they'd been running and they were already soaked.

Akkun: "Hurry up Takemichi! It seems there's lightning!"

Takemichi: "Not my fault you're too fast!"

Akkun: "Quit complaining and hu-"

Akkun's eyes widened as he saw his best friend faint right in front of his eyes! He'd be a goner if he was right next to Takemichi. He'd have to hurry him up to the hospital!

//YAYY ANOTHER CHAPTER DONEE! Thx for reading btw!//

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