☆~SAFE?~☆ 10

209 6 0

Pov/ Point of View: Name:(...)
Speaking: Name: "..."
3rd Person View: ...
Action/timeleap: *...*
Phone or Text: Name: #...#
Additional Info: //...//


The light went off, the only thing lighting up the place were angels. Takemichi feels Mikey's grip around his waist grow tighter. Emma came in after she finished passing tea and bread to the others to keep them energized, that'll be a long night. Kazutora and Baji sat on the small couch that was in Mikey's room. Draken and Mitsuya followed the other 2s actions and sat on the couch. It was silent and Takemichi was unsure why, he took a guess, maybe it was because they wanted to listen.


They all heard it, and screaming came from outside. Suddenly it felt like the ground shaking, was the world ending? No! It was an earthquake, a heavy one. The bed started shaking along with other furniture.

A loud bang came from the kitchen. It was most likely glass, and the glass cup Takemichi put on the nightstand a few minutes ago turned into nothing but tiny glass pieces. Then the worst part for all of them was their ears. The shattering glass along with furniture falling created a loud bang. They'd have to get out of there quickly before the dorms collapse.

Emma: "Follow!" Emma screamed leading the way.

All angels followed her hiding their wings in the process, although Emma may seem weak she still had a bunch of energy. Mikey hid his wings now carrying Takemichi. They rushed out the door into the stairway, and finally outside where it was raining. A bunch of students held onto the railing next to the apartment complex. Some were calling their parents and others were sobbing. Some looked annoyed. It was freezing outside, it was still September but it was late September and it was cold. Though they were outside Mikey's grip didn't loosen, not a bit, it tightened even more.

At this point, Takemichi was shivering, and then Mikey did the sweetest thing, Takemichi would've never imagined. Mikey let him down and took off the jacket he was wearing to put on Takemichi, it was warm and it fit perfectly, right after Mikey carried him again. And surely the other students are looking over.

Nasty bruises were found on students, he had none but it seemed like Mikey did. The dorms were unstable and would fall at any moment, there was a stable store next to the dorms that wouldn't be affected if the dorms fell. Mikey finally let Takemichi down, and all of them crawled to the store, along the way getting bruises.

Along the way, the rain grew heavier, and most students brought umbrellas that just flew away in the strong wind. The wind caused small light objects to hit them. Finally, they'd made it, a bit of bruise on their bodies. And the store lady was standing too, she was under the desk also trying to survive.

All of them hid under a strong table on the side, there was plenty of room since others thought it was too reckless to come to the stores. Even though the building itself was stable the glass was still delicate and broke easily as soon as a flying wood plank hit the glass.

It's a curse, as soon as they'd gotten there all things started bumping into windows, breaking things, but the building remained standing.

Soon the shaking stopped, it was probably 5 minutes long. Though the dorms hadn't fallen, they were probably all messed up. And it'd take forever to clean.

All of them got up and Emma checked for bruises. Baji had one since he was the closest to the windows. The woman who owned the story happily gave Emma bandages to treat each other's wounds. Soon they all left and thanked the woman.

They joined a crowd of students standing in front of the building, some school officers were standing in front of dorms.

Police Officer: "Please do not enter the buildings to get anything schoolwork will be excused this time."

Most students sighed in relief while others got mad.

Police Officers: "You will be sleeping in the small cabin we use for camping during school projects. If you would like to call home there are phones there. The will also be extra clothes in a bin, all are washed and clean.

Emma: "I guess they now have a plan if anything happens to the dorms."

Chifuyu then got an idea.

Chifuyu: "Hey Takemichi, can we crash at your place?"

Takemichi: "Hmm... let me ask my roommate."

Takemichi was quick and snatched his phone before leaving a few minutes ago.

Takemichi: #Hey Hakkai! Can my friends stay in our dorm for a bit?#

Hakkai: #Sure, just don't make much noise#

Takemichi: #Ok!#

Takemichi: "We sure can Chifuyu!"

They all followed Takemichi toward his dorm. And Emma was in the same grade as Takemichi so she could have others stay at her dorm. Her roommate would be chill with it, well that's what Emma said.

They entered the dorm and some things were broken, which Hakkai had been cleaning when they entered. All of them greeted him. And Takashi knew Hakkai, they were friends and had met during break.

Emma then joined them by setting up some sleeping bags she'd brought earlier, while Takemichi helped clean the mess up. The room wasn't crowded but was squished, they could still get through.

A few minutes later after cleaning all the stuff, Hakkai went to his room for the night, and Takemichi was about to enter the room. It was awfully quiet for a friend group that could be as loud as a whole high school cafeteria. He opened the door, and by the looks of it the friend group was discussing something important. They were all huddled up in the corner and serious.

Emma quickly changed the topic.

Emma: "Hi Takemichi!"

Almost all members jumped at Emma's words.

Takemichi: "Hey"

Takemichi was still trying to figure out what they were talking about.

Emma: "Oh I've also packed some board games let's play some!"

//Hiiii! Another chapter finished <3! Thx for reading!//

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