☆~DAY 4~☆ 14

204 5 1

Pov/ Point of View: Name:(...)
Speaking: Name: "..."
3rd Person View: ...
Action/timeleap: *...*
Phone or Text: Name: #...#
Additional Info: //...//


Takemichi woke up first. Everyone else was sleeping. But he couldn't move since Mikey wrapped his arms around him too tight.

While waiting for Mikey to wake up Takemichi played with Mikey's hair, it was soft. After a few minutes of playing with his hair, Mikey's eyes fluttered open.

Takemichi: "Morning,"

Takemichi said, still playing with his hair. He felt Mikey's hand wander over to his thigh, caressing the outer part of his thigh while he tucked his head in Takemichi's neck. Allowing Takemichi to play with his hair.

Mikey: "What time is it?"

Takemichi: "I think it's 7,"

He pulled away from his neck, and then his lips met Takemichi's. It was soft and gentle, and Mikey smirked at his reaction. Takemichi was a dark shade of red and blushed to his ears.

Mikey: "I can kiss those pretty pink lips of yours with no consequences since you're one of us now."

Takemichi, now shy, hid his face in Mikey's chest. Mikey, however, just continued stroking his thigh, gently and lovingly.

Mikey: "The others probably won't be up for another 3 hours,"

Takemichi: "Mhm,"

Since Takemichi's head was now on his chest, he could play with the soft curls. They were black and matched with his pretty blue eyes and long venta black eyelashes.

Takemichi's hair also smelled amazing, like coconut. He grabbed Takemichi's chin from his chest, holding it in place so he could kiss him while looking into his eyes.

Takemichi blushed, but this time, he didn't hide his face. Instead, he gave a small peck back.

Mikey chuckled at his shyness. He decided to kiss him on his chin, then forehead, cheek, nose, and finally, lips.

He cuddled with Takemichi, and they both fell asleep again.

Minutes after they fell asleep, Emma woke up along with Chifuyu. Both of them got breakfast from downstairs and woke everyone up. So Mikey and Takemichi didn't sleep much.

The hotel room was still cold from the early fall weather. It would warm up in a few minutes since they just turned the heater on.

Emma and Chifuyu got pancakes, eggs with bacon, and smoothies.

Both Takemichi and Mikey got pancakes with banana smoothies. It was a great breakfast.

After breakfast, they packed up and walked back to campus. The walk, however, was kinda fun. they talked about drama, the parties they've been to, normal young adult stuff.

When they got back to campus they heard that police had come and caught the 5 shooters. 15 people were killed, some had been stabbed by daggers that the shooters had in the case, and some were shot in the heart and head.

They found lock picks and an axe to break in, that's how they got in so quickly.

Students were sent home for the police to investigate, no doubt Takemichi's parents were already informed. He charged his phone in the hotel room, it died that night. And right now he was checking it.

He had 23 missed calls and 52 texts. People thought he had gone missing, but his body wasn't in his dorm so he couldn't have been killed.

So they marked him missing, along with his roommate.

Takemichi's mom: "Takemichi!?"

Takemichi: "Hi Mom!"

Takemichi's mom: "Where's were you we thought you went missing!"

Takemichi: "Well, when the shooters entered I escaped and went to a hotel to stay safe,"

He explained everything to his mom, and then a policeman nearby who marked him safe along with his roommate. The police officer also contacted the others.

He went back to the group of friends to inform them he was getting picked up soon. He felt a tug on his wrist while walking back, he turned to see who it was and there stood Mikey.

Takemichi: "Mikey-kun?"

It was quite frightening, Mikey didn't respond and pulled him away toward a nearby bathroom. When they got there he just stared at Mikey, baffled and stunned.

Mikey let out a chuckle,

Mikey: "I can't believe I dragged you here to ask this,"

It calmed Takemichi down hearing him talk, but he was still confused at the sudden action. And so, a long pause followed. Mikey grabbed Takemichi's wrists before looking him in the eyes. Adorably, Takemichi tilted his head to the side.

Mikey: "Takemichi, will you be my boyfriend?"

Takemichi was dumbstruck, his eyes widened at the question. Mikey spoke in a serious tone. They already acted like a couple, but it was more like friends with benefits. It wouldn't hurt to try. After a few seconds, Takemichi beamed.

Takemichi: "Of course I will!"

Mikey embraced him and joyfully kissed him. He sat on the toilet lid and tugged Takemichi to sit on his lap.

Takemichi: "But serious in a public bathroom?"

Mikey: "The only place where people won't eavesdrop."

Takemichi: "Imagine if someone was in here!"

//Haha...  little did they know...//

Mikey: "Well if they were we better be quiet,"

Takemichi: "Whatever, but, the police officers informed my parents. It turns out they're letting us go home for a break. My parents are arriving soon."

Mikey: "Hm? Well where do you live I'll visit you. Also, I'll call and text you, give me your number."

Takemichi: "Sure!"

Mikey: "Kay, I'll visit you!"

Takemichi: "Don't you live around here? I live an hour away or something."

Mikey: "Yeah, I'll just buy an apartment nearby."

Takemichi: "Seriously?"

Mikey: "Mhm!"

Takemichi: "OK, I better tell the others I'm leaving."

He got off Mikey's lap, but he was dragged back down,

Mikey: "You're still spending time with me!"

Takemichi rolled his eyes at the action, before pressing a kiss to Mikey’s lips.

A few days later, Takemichi's parents made him drop out of college, concerned for his well-being. And he got a part-time job, still living in his parent's house doing chores and cleaning for them. His parents didn't mind.

As promised, Mikey bought an apartment near him. Takemichi would visit him every day. After months of visiting, Takemichi moved in with him. Mikey was delighted to have his boyfriend move in.

They would have movie nights during weekends and dates. Both couldn't imagine a life without each other.

//End of story c: Did y'all like it?? Hope you did:> Have a good day and thx for reading!//

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