☆~PARTY~☆ 3

326 8 1

Pov/ Point of View: Name:(...)
Speaking: Name: "..."
3rd Person View: ...
Action/timeleap: *...*
Phone or Text: Name: #...#
Additional Info: //...//

Chifuyu: "Hey! My name's Chifuyu, what's yours?"

Chifuyu knew his name, he just didn't want to sound like a creep.

Takemichi: "Hi! My name is Takemichi, it's nice to meet you!"

Chifuyu: "Likewise!"

When Hakkai came back he saw that Takemichi made a new friend so he chose to leave them alone for now.

They talked for about 30 minutes and got to know each other, but Takemichi had to go back with Hakkai for 1 hour. since they figured they'd wake up extra early to get some peace before classes.

Chifuyu: "Hey what if I introduce you to some of my friends?"

Takemichi: "Ehh I don't know..."

Chifuyu: "Come on, it'll be fun!"

Chifuyu dragged Takemichi toward a group of boys gathered together in fine clothing.

Chifuyu pointed to a man with black long hair.

Chifuyu: "That's Keisuke Baji."

Then he pointed to a man with blonde dyed highlights.

Chifuyu: "Right next to him is Kazutora Hanemiya, we like to call him 'Tora'"

Chifuyu then pointed to a man with light lavender

Chifuyu: "That's Takashi, Mitsuya!"

Next, he pointed to a man with blonde hair, that didn't have the best body shape.

Chifuyu: "Then there's Haruki Hashida, we gave him the nickname Pah-chin."

He lastly pointed to a man who was tall and mostly skinny.

Chifuyu: "And lastly Ryohei Hayashi, we call him Peh-yan"

Takemichi: "I think I can remember their names,"

Chifuyu: "Oh almost forgot this is Takemichi, Hanagaki,"

All of them- Chifuyu and Takemichi nodded.

*1 hour later*

The group of friends were talking, giggling, and bickering like children. Then Hakkai went up to Takemichi.

Hakkai: "Hey Takemichi it's been 1 hour, It's getting dark and we won't be able to see and return to the dorms."

Takemichi: "Oh yeah I almost forgot, bye guys!"

Hakkai: "Bye get to the dorms early, you guys might get caught."

Chifuyu: "Oh, right I'll come with you guys, I know these guys will get caught. And I don't want to get in trouble."

Hakkai and Takemichi laughed, while everyone else argued with Chifuyu.

All three walked toward the exit, all of them laughing, they then heard a sweet voice.

Emma: "Awe going to dorms already? Well, you might as well take some cake!"

Chifuyu: "Oo! We have got to take a piece; it's chocolate!"

Takemichi: "Yes we'd like some cake, thank you!"

Hakkai: "I'm not hungry you guys can take some."

Takemichi: "Hm? Alright."

//Takemichi pov//

Then, I'm assuming Emma's boyfriend appeared with Manjiro-san clinging to his back.

Draken: "Hey Emma can I have more?"

Emma: "Of course! It's in the oven."

Draken: "Mikey get up!"

Mikey: "Nuuu I'm sleepy!"

Emma heard this,

Emma: "You're going to dorms right? Might as well take the sleepy head,"

Takemichi: "Sure,"

Takemichi: (What am I going to do!? I'll probably be a blushing mess cause of last time!)

Chifuyu: "Mhm," He said filling his mouth with cake.

Emma: "Thanks, guys!"

Emma then called out to Draken.

Emma: "Hey Draken, bring Mikey! Chifuyu, Takemichi, and Hakkai are taking him to his dorm!"

Draken: "Hm, ok!"

Takemichi: (I saw Manjiro flinch, and some blush appeared on his pale skin. Probably because of the last time,)

Mikey walked over to the 4, rubbing his eyes due to sleepiness.

We walked out the door and Emma thanked us.

//The party was in a room, in the woods that is very close to the dorms.//

Takemichi: (We're walking quietly back to the dorms, since Manjiro's sleepy.)

Takemichi: (A few minutes away, I saw Chifuyu whisper something into Manjiro's ear. I wonder what it was because Mikey got all flustered.)

Takemichi: "Mikey are you Alright?

Mikey just nodded and all 4 kept walking in silence, and awkwardness, that was until they saw the fire department there.

Students were standing outside in their pajamas. Takemichi went up to a girl that's in his class.

Takemichi: "What happened!?" He said trying to keep his cool.

Girl: "At 5:30 fire was caused due to some 1st years messing around in room 166!"

Takemichi's eyes widened, Hakkai and he left at 5:15! And they were in room 169!


Takemichi: "169..."

Mikey: (Probably him again...)


Girl: "They said we'll have to share with the 3rd and 2nd years in the other apartment. He said it'd be great if students started pairing up."

Chifuyu just sighed.

Chifuyu: "Hakkai stay with me, Takemichi you'll stay with Mikey, Mikey protect him."

Takemichi: "Why would he need to protect me?"

Chifuyu: "Never mind."

//End of chapter, trying to get everything done before I start school, and ty for reading!:D//

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