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Pov/ Point of View: Name:(...)
Speaking: Name: "..."
3rd Person View: ...
Action/timeleap: *...*
Phone or Text: Name: #...#
Additional Info: //...//


*Next day*

As soon as I walked out of class and went straight to Manjiro-san.

Takemichi: "Thank you so much for saving me yesterday."

Manjiro: "No problem"

As Manjiro was about to walk to his sister, I gathered up my courage to ask him if we knew each other.

Takemichi: "Do I know you from somewhere?"

Mikey: "Uhm, no we don't I'd remember."

//3rd Person view// He lied, they knew each other, well he knew him.

Takemichi: "Oh alright sorry to bother you"

Takemichi then walked the opposite way where his class was.

//3rd Person view.//

Baji: "Bet $500 he's gonna die in a fire this time!"

Emma: "It's not a joke Keisuke!"

Baji: "Not my fault he picked the wrong boy to be in love with."

Mitsuya: "Guys chill, and Baji it's not funny! We have to find a way to save him or else we'll have to wait another 18 years."

Emma: "Yeah we're gonna be stuck here until he reincarnates for the 1000th time."

Chifuyu: "I should probably get close to him and keep an eye on him."

Mitsuya and Emma both agreed while Baji was pissed Mikey chose the wrong dude to fall in love with.

A few classes later Takemichi had art, and Hakkai also had the class so they walked together to class while giggling.

The teacher decided to have an art competition. He never really did art when he was younger, he barely ever participated in art class.

Art teacher: "Alright, we're going to paint a portrait of this person on the computer."

Takemichi: "Ugh I'm bad at art.." He said whispering

Hakkai: "I'm sure you have experience, right?" He said whispering back.

Takemichi: "Nope."

All of them started painting. This competition counted 10% of their grade in participation.

Takemichi started with the basics the teacher taught them. Then he made up some shortcuts. Somehow his hand was moving on its own, it felt like he was a professional, like he had done many art competitions before. When he was done it looked the same! The colors were a little off but it looked very similar.

//If you don't understand, since he's reincarnated several times now. In one of his past lives, he was a professional artist.//

The teacher then walked by and looked at his piece. She was too stunned to speak, he might as well teach the class. His piece was better than the most artistic students in their art class.


Hakkai: "I only got a 40 in art, and I have experience, you're telling me you got a 100 in art and lack experience!?"

Takemichi: "Mhm... you've already heard it like 100 times. Does this outfit look good for the party?"

Hakkai: "Hmm, yup"

They walked out the door, they were going to party outside the campus with some other people. The party was hosted by someone named Keisuke Baji, they were invited by Hakkai's friend, Takashi Mitsuya.

Hakkai: "I'll be right back are you ok alone?"

Takemichi: "Mhm"

Hakkai: "Oh alright."

After a few minutes, Chifuyu went over to Takemichi.

//Sorry for a short chapter, don't mind spelling mistakes:D//

My Reincarnated Boyfriend♡◇♡《Mitake》Where stories live. Discover now