☆~CURSE?~☆ 11

175 5 3

Pov/ Point of View: Name:(...)
Speaking: Name: "..."
3rd Person View: ...
Action/timeleap: *...*
Phone or Text: Name: #...#
Additional Info: //...//


//Yall I'm sorry for not updating😭//

Emma: "Hmm we have Monopoly, chess, Candy Land, and Connect 4."

Takemichi: "Maybe Monopoly?"

Emma: "Sure! Any objections?"

Chifuyu: "It's fine I don't know how to play any of the other games"

Nobody else cared enough, so it was decided, they were gonna play Monopoly.

Takemichi: "Mikey-kunnnn let me go! I'll be fine I promise!"

Chifuyu: "As if Takemichi, you almost died again. It's safer just let him,"

Mikey pulled him onto his lap, making it difficult for Takemichi to move his character.

Takemichi: "Fine,"

Well Takemichi didn't exactly hate it, it was just uncomfortable when he couldn't move his character.

They played Monopoly for a few hours before drifting off to sleep. Mikey however, didn't sleep a wink. He stays awake, wide awake to guard Takemichi in case of any danger along with Baji.

But Baji would occasionally take naps, about five that night. It was quite awkward sitting there and protecting the others. Mikey just sat on the bed, and Baji sat next to the others, they were just waiting there.

Sometimes Mikey would start small talk, but it never went far. Since both had to be quiet in case of waking up anyone else they weren't able to hear each other well. Everyone other than Takemichi had sharp hearing.

It was a long, boring, and quiet night, but morning came and the sun rose. Before they both knew Emma was awake, they were safe.

Takemichi found out yesterday. Meaning that on the 3rd day if they survived they'd be safe.

Emma: "Do you guys want pancakes?"

Mikey: "Sure"

Baji: "Make whatever"

Emma: (Not even a thanks?)

Whatever, she got up and made some pancakes, and soon enough Takemichi's roommate, Hakkai got up. Both of them got along and Emma even showed him how to make pancakes.

Then Mikey knowing Takemichi survived another day decided to snuggle in with Takemichi and take a nap.

However, it wasn't long before Takemichi himself awoke. But it didn't do much since he couldn't move an inch with Mikey hugging him tightly.

Emma came to his rescue and woke everyone to eat breakfast.

Baji was grumpy and refused to eat, and Chifuyu was the complete opposite. He was happy and lively, definitely a morning person. The others didn't complain much and just ate the pancakes.

The atmosphere was awkward. Why you may ask? Mikey still didn't let go of Takemichi even though they were eating, with the excuse,

Mikey: "You can't protect yourself,"

This just made Takemichi embarrassed and angrier, he did understand though. It's not like he almost died a few weeks ago.

However, it made Takemichi more embarrassed since Emma pointed it out and giggled at the situation.

By the end of the morning meal, Takemichi was all fed up with Mikey being overprotective.

Worst part? Mikey just sat there, with a straight face, while Takemichi was all frustrated and embarrassed on his lap. But even after all the jokes his friends made about them his grip on Takemichi never loosened.

Emma: "Mikey when did you tell him?"

Mikey: "Yesterday,"

Emma: "We're stuck here for 2 days thanks Mikey-nii,"

Mikey: "You're welcome,"

Emma just rolled her eyes at him while washing the dishes.

Takemichi: "Can you let go now?"

Mikey responded with a hum which meant no. Takemichi groaned at the response. Everyone else had left to hang out in Takemichi's bedroom, the only ones left in the kitchen were Emma, Mikey, and Takemichi.

Emma finished drying the leftover dishes,

Emma: "Mikey-nii let go of Takemichi, he probably won't make big moves till the last few hours when he gets desperate.

Mikey just shook his head not wanting to let his eyes wander off of Takemichi.

Emma: "Sorry Takemichi I tried he's not letting go."

Takemichi: "It's ok!"

Emma finished the dishes and headed for Takemichi's bedroom where it seemed many were making a fuss.

Once she entered he heard her command to clean the mess. And once she left it became awkward for Takemichi since Mikey was doing his own thing, not taking his eyes off him, not even for one second.

Then Mikey dragged him down to a position where they lay down on the couch with Mikey's arms protecting him.

Though Takemichi probably didn't know, Mikey spent all night watching over him, he deserved to rest.

But Mikey being stubborn didn't take this as a chance to rest.

Takemichi decided to, so he snuggled with Mikey and took a nap.

Mikey just lay there with a blank expression on his face, while repeatedly patting Takemichi's back in circles.

Finally, sleep got the best of him and he decided to nap again. This time Takemichi sleeping facing the couch while he slept on the edge.

He woke up a few hours later to find Takemichi scrolling through his phone, Takemichi then realized he woke up then with a sweet smile he said,

Takemichi: "Good morning!"

Mikey: "Morning,"

Takemichi: "The others are cleaning my room!"

Takemichi said while smiling happily and pointing to his room.

Takemichi: "Now that you're up can you get off me?"

Mikey: "Mhm"

Right after Mikey sat up, Chifuyu came out, looking annoyed.

Chifuyu: "Mikey your sister's a real demon"

Mikey just laughed at the comment. Emma then walked in, happily smiling while the others looked like they just run a 500-meter race along with the fastest runners.

Emma gestured for Takemichi to come and take a look at his newly cleaned room.

Takemichi walked in, and all the things were in order. From school books to clothes and dishes were gone from all-nighters.

Takemichi: "Thank you Emma-chan!"

Emma: "You're welcome!"

The others just watched, too tired to tell Takemichi he was thanking the wrong person.

Emma: "What would you guys like for lunch and dinner?"

Baji: "Order pizza"

Chifuyu: "I agree"

Emma frowned at the thought but didn't complain.

The rest of the day was like that, it was normal, for the most part.

There was one time when Takemichi almost hurt himself while drying a glass plate and when he was about to put it in the cabinet it almost fell on his head.

And another example was when he almost slipped on the sock Baji left out, the floor was slippery too. But right after Emma scolded Baji lightly.

Other than those incidents it was pretty normal. And Emma was happy to have him alive another day.

//End of chapter:] BUT YALL I NEED IDEAS WHAT I DO AFTER HE SURVIVES!?? U GUYS KNOW HOW THIS STORY IS BASED ON A MOVIE, wellll the movie is from books and I didn't read the books 😭 so gimme ideas btw ik this chapter's release is messed up but whatever//

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