☆~2nd Day of Fire~☆ 5

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Pov/ Point of View: Name:(...)
Speaking: Name: "..."
3rd Person View: ...
Action/timeleap: *...*
Phone or Text: Name: #...#
Additional Info: //...//


He entered the library early in the morning. Luckily the library closed at midnight due to some students pulling an all-nighter and opened at 6 am so students could finish homework for any reason. He immediately walked to the 2nd floor and grabbed his belongings, he was lucky no one took them, and thankfully all supplies remained in his backpack.

He opened his backpack to check out his schedule. Class started in 30 minutes, and there was a reason he got there earlier than he planned. He checked if the laptop he borrowed from the school was all charged for digital media. It was, but he was unsure if he finished his history homework, he wouldn't have a big consequence if he didn't anyways. The history teacher was pretty chill.

He opened the school app they used and checked the assignments for history, and yup he had finished it last afternoon.

He left the library since he had no more business, and he passed some students who were probably sophomores while exiting. He heard them gossiping about the fire that happened last night. Not even a month in disaster struck.

*Time skip to 6 hours later*

The principal gathered his roommate and him along with 10 other people. Yes, the fire was small and no one was injured. All owed their lives to a young woman who contacted the fire department before most even knew there was a fire. It only spread to 6 rooms which were next to the one room that was on fire. All students had a place to stay, some were friends with the juniors while others just got assigned to some rooms that didn't have 2 people. The college was working on finding somewhere for the 12 freshmen. Some freshmen recommended cleaning up the burnt rooms that were still saveable. The principal agreed this is great news! Their dorm was the furthest from the room, which meant they had a possibility that their room wouldn't be as badly damaged as the others. Hakkai and Takemichi exchanged faces of relief.

Takemichi and Hakkai walked toward the junior mini-apartment complex. They discussed how crazy the school year was going to be. Right then, Takemichi mentioned the topic of death.

Takemichi: "It's like everything is trying to kill me! Like seriously the statue incident, and now fire!"

Hakkai looked him dead in the eye.

Takemichi: "Uhm are you alright?"

Hakkai grabbed his wrist and took him to a spot near the junior's apartment complex.

Hakkai: "Don't tell anyone what I'm about to tell you, but last night I got up to get a drink of water when I heard Chifuyu-san on a call with some of his friends. He mentioned something or someone trying to kill you. I don't recall much but Chifuyu wanted to protect you."

Takemichi was creeped out by this newly found information. He took a deep breath before questioning Hakkai.

Takemichi: "Are you sure you weren't dreaming? Maybe the situations are getting to your head"

A moment of silence followed but it didn't last.

Hakkai: "Takemichi I'm serious, I pinched myself before falling asleep to make sure it was true."

Takemichi did think it was odd that weird things have been happening to him lately, his brain trying to process all this. Hakkai just sighed.

Hakkai: "Promise to not tell anyone?"

Takemichi: "Yeah.."

Hakkai: "Just act normal or they'll suspect something."

They walked back normally trying to avoid tension.

Takemichi knocked on Mikey's dorm, and almost immediately Mikey answered. Takemichi acted all normal,

Mikey: "Do you want anything specific for dinner?"

Takemichi: "It's alright I'll eat whatever you cook."

Mikey: "Alright, is there anything you're allergic to anything?"

Takemichi: "No, I'll go do homework on the couch, thank you. "

Mikey: "Alright."

He sat down on the couch which was not far from the kitchen, he did the work but it was more like he knew what to write and didn't think of the answers. He couldn't stop thinking of earlier, he felt uncomfortable. He'd just focus on homework.

//Don't mind spelling mistakes and ty for reading! <33//

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