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Pov/ Point of View: Name:(...)
Speaking: Name: "..."
3rd Person View: ...
Action/timeleap: *...*
Phone or Text: Name: #...#
Additional Info: //...//


Akkun picked him up and carried him to the closet nurse, soon Takemichi was in the hospital with his closest friends and family waiting in the waiting room for news. Family and friends were in and out of the hospital, 2 days later Takemichi luckily gained consciousness.

Of course, his family was the first to visit Takemichi, and then his old friend Akkun received a call from the hospital offering for him to visit Takemichi.

Akkun: "Takemichi! How are you?"

Takemichi: "Hey! I'm good what about you?" He said smiling happily.

Akkun: "I'm great! You gave me a heart attack last time!"

Takemichi: "Heh, sorry, I have a question tho"

Akkun: "What is it?"

Takemichi: "Did you print the picture?"

Akkun: "You're seriously worried about that!?"

Takemichi: "Yeah..."

Akkun: "No I didn't, I'm not an idiot that would print the picture out before calling the hospital!"

Takemichi: "Do me a favor?"

Akkun: "Fine,"

Takemichi: "Print the picture out?"

Akkun: "Easy task."

Takemichi: "Thank you so much!"

Akkun: "I'll get going now I have some homework,"

Takemichi: "Oh ok, by the way, I'll be out by tomorrow see ya!"

Akkun: "That's great! Byeee!"

Akkun left the hospital while Takemichi took a nap.

*1 Day Later*

It was Wednesday, and Takemichi had just been released from the hospital. Luckily he didn't have to go to school, his roommate was probably in his last class right now. He entered his dorm and went straight to his room, he spotted a small box wrapped in a blue ribbon and tape on his bed. It looked like it was protecting something very important. He opened the box and found a picture frame with the picture he asked Akkun for, just when he started to forget the incident all memories rushed back, all the regret, all the confusion.

He grabbed the picture, and tears raced down his cheeks and then onto the picture, but it was protected by glass. He wiped his face, put his sweater on, and left his dorm. There was only a bit of time until classes ended so he had to be quick, he rushed over to their dorm.

As soon as he got there at the dorm he saw Mikey and Draken walking toward the door, this was bad Draken was there. No way he'd drag Draken into this! As soon as all their eyes met Draken gave Takemichi a nervous smile.

Draken: "Hey Takemichi!"

Takemichi just ignored him and walked toward Mikey who looked like his whole world collapsed. Takemichi dragged him to the staircase. Draken didn't bother to follow and just sighed.

Mikey: "T-Takemitchy?"

He didn't get an answer.

Mikey scanned the younger, some bandages on his head, and he wore a beige sweater, and black jeans, as he scanned him he saw some tears fall from his eyes, followed by the sound of Takemichi's hand slapping his face. "Gosh he was an idiot" that's what ran through his head.

He turned his head to see Takemichi, soon enough Takemichi was crying in his arms while he held him protectively. They couldn't stay like this for too long, people were starting to pass by. He grabbed Takemichi's hand and dragged him to his dorm.

Draken: "Mikey?"

Mikey: "Out."

Draken looked confused but agreed.

Mikey then dragged Takemichi who still was wiping his tears. He sat Takemichi on his bed,

Mikey: "Water?"

Takemichi just looked at him eyes all red and puffy, finally, he nodded.
Soon enough Mikey came with a glass of water, he handed Takemichi the glass of water. Takemichi then took a crumbled paper out of his pocket.

Takemichi: "Explain"

Mikey looked at him like he was just betrayed,

Mikey: "It's edited"

Takemichi: "No it isn't who would even do this?"

Mikey: "Can I tell you later?"

Takemichi: "Answers now."

Mikey: "I-I can't"

Takemichi: "Don't tell me I'm crazy," he stood up.

Takemichi: "Has all my life been a lie?"

Takemichi walked over to the porch in Mikey's room, Mikey following behind him.

Takemichi: "It has hasn't it?"

Mikey couldn't answer, he watched Takemichi sitting on the fence.

Mikey: "Takemichi please that's dangerous,"

Takemichi stood up on the fence balancing.

Mikey: "Takemichi. Get off."

Takemichi: "Answers first!"

Mikey: "I can't!"

Takemichi: "Why? Why can't you? Just tell me! I won't tell anyone, I wouldn't! It's not like I want someone to think I'm reincarnated and look at me like I'm a freak!"

Mikey: "Takemichi let's talk about this and get off!"

Takemichi: "Talk."

Mikey: "Let's talk later but get off!"

Takemichi: "Why not now?"

Mikey: "Fine! You must be imagining things Takemichi!"

Takemichi: "I am not! That picture says otherwise!"

Mikey: "Takemichi please!"

Mikey walked toward him which startled Takemichi, causing him to lose balance.


Takemichi closed his eyes, though he was still young and had a while life ahead of him this felt right. But knowing his questions remained unanswered pissed him off. At least he'd be able to rest and have that empty feeling inside of him disappear. Even though his eyes were closed he could see a bright light, he felt like he was flying. And so he opened his eyes and immediately he was blinded by the light of an... angel? He was crazy! No way! He lifted his arm to pinch his cheek, and a sting followed, but nope this was real! As the angel carried him back bridal style he could make up the face, blue smokey eyes, blonde hair, and that haircut.

Takemichi: "M-Mikey?"

Silence followed, and they soon reached the porch where they stood with Mikey holding him by the waist. Takemichi was mesmerized by the beautiful wings that made a noise every time he touched them. He'd never seen anything more gorgeous, and his worries faded.

Mikey: "Calm?"

Takemichi: "Mhm"

Mikey: "At this point, there's no point hiding the truth, let's talk inside."

He motioned Takemichi to come inside.

//Doneeeee! Thx for reading!<3//

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