Ch. 15: Hidden Immortals

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This universe is from my Owl House AU and Oneshot Ideas:

Chapter 14: Hidden Immortals

Dimension 89e-L3ss:

They land in the new world and look around.

"Yep, this is the human world." Phoenix said.

"Yep. Meaning my gloves are useless here." Fighter Luz said, looking up at the blue sky. "It also means that the Luz of this universe could be like Mr. Hardcore."

"Really hope not." Phoenix said, "Don't want to deal with anymore vigilantes with fighting experience under Athena's control."

"I'd take that risk if it means Athena getting her ass handed to her again." Fighter Luz said as their suits retracted into their belts. "Come on, let's get out of this alley and find ourself."

"That might be easier said than done."

Both of them jumped at the new voice and turned around, seeing someone standing behind them with their arms crossed.

"Athena." Phoenix said, "This game is getting old."

"Well, why don't I introduce a new player?" Athena asked, snapping her fingers.

This world's Amity walked up. This Amity looked similar to the Amity from the Vigilante universe. An adult with wild green hair in a black shirt and black pants with boots, also having pointed ears to prove that she was a witch.

"Tell me, are you going to hurt her?" Athena asked, "Kill them, my pet."

This Amity nodded before pulling out a gun!

"Duck!" Phoenix shouted, getting in front of Fighter Luz.

The gun rang out and someone jumped in front of both the young Luz's. They looked up and saw this dimensions, Luz. She looked almost homeless with mangy hair in a pony tail, a brown overcoat, and blue jeans.

"Amity, stop." She said, grunting as she felt her body being filled with three bullets.

This Luz fell to her knees and groaned.

"Fine... we'll do this the hard way." She said, before throwing a knife and hitting Amity in the head.

This Luz ran kneed Amity in the nose and pulled the knife from Amity's head.

Fighter, Phoenix, and Athena were EXTREMELY shocked to see the Luz of this universe kill Amity without a second thought!

"Oh shit, did that just happen?" Athena asked, blinking.

"Yeah, it did. And so is this." This Luz said, lunging at Athena and stabbing her in the stomach!

Athena tried to pull back, but she was stabbed... if only it was that easy.

"Impressive but I can't be killed that easy." Athena said, grabbing the arm and pulling the knife out. "You will have to try better than that."

"I know. That's why she's going to shoot you." Luz said, smirking.

"She?" Athena asked.

The click of a gun was heard and Athena turned to see Amity holding a gun to her.

"Let her go." Amity said.

She pulled the trigger and fired at Athena, putting several bullets in her armor legs parts.

'How is she alive?!' Athena thought as she was pushed back.

"I have been on this earth for almost 350 years." Amity said, "I have been involved in some of the biggest events in human history, and you somehow managed to do something that not many have done... you pissed me off."

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