Ch. 7: The Key

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This universe is from my Owl House AU and Oneshot Ideas:

Chapter 15: A New Wielder


Dimension K-37:

Both of exited the portal to see they were free falling over Bonesborough!

"Holy shit!" Fighter Luz shouted as they fell.

"Damnit, Athena!" Phoenix Luz said before she began flying.

Phoenix grabbed Fighter Luz and landed on the ground safely.

"Alright, any idea what we should expect here?" Phoenix asked.

"Athena is probably going to try and repair her armor again, so she'll probably send husks or corrupted against us." Fighter Luz said.

Right as she said that, Husks came after them.

"Yep!" Phoenix shouted as she grabbed one and burned it to ash!

Fighter Luz got ready, using her gloves to create an ice sword and slice through the husks!

'Glad to be back in a magic realm.' She thought but would never forget what Hardcore Luz taught her about being strong.

"She sent a lot of them this time!" Phoenix said.

"I know, but we have to keep going!" Fighter Luz said.

They heard a scream and footsteps. A girl jumped into the air, holding two key shaped swords.

"AHH!" She screamed, slicing a Husk in half.

Fighter and Phoenix turned to her as it was revealed to her a normal looking Luz wielding the swords. Her clothes were pair of ebony earrings, a short-sleeved half-white and half-indigo hoodie with cat ears attached to the hood, high-waisted jean shorts, dark grey capris leggings, and a pair of white loafers.

'So, she's similar to my old look?' Phoenix thought back to her original look, versus the black trench coat, red shirt, black pants, black combat boots, and fingerless gloves

'What's with those weird swords?' Fighter Luz thought as "Key Luz" sliced through the husks with ease.

She put the handles of her swords together and began spinning it, slicing away at the Husks like her blades were a windmill.

"Damn, she's powerful." Fighter Luz said before dodging a husk and freezing it in ice. "Hey, you might not know us but we're here to help!"

"As long as you help me deal with these things, I don't care what you're doing." Key Luz said, swinging her blades at another husk, "They've been terrorizing Bonesborough all day!"

"All day?!" Phoenix asked in shock! "But we just got here!"

"Phoenix, think about it, time might work differently in each dimension, we just came from one that had us as an adult." Fighter Luz said, "Now get your trench coated ass burning or else I'll use an ice spell on you!"

"Alright, alright!" Phoenix said as she flares her fire, putting up her hand like a knife to make a flame sword.

With one sweep of her hand, fire shot out and burned the husks. Once they were gone and sure that none were around, the three Luzs sighed in relief as Key Luz made her key shaped swords disappear and turned to them.

"Now that those creeps are gone, why do you both look like me?" She asked Fighter and Phoenix.

"Multiverse crisis." They replied.

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