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It was the middle of the day, and the beach was very quiet. There was no sound except for the peaceful chirping of seagulls soaring overhead, singing and searching for food.

The howling wind whistled through the beach like an arriving train, and the crash of the waves thundered through their ears.

Sarah sat across from Conrad on a small blanket on the sand. She fumbled with her fingers anxiously after her brother's scolding. She knew he would be angry, but not this angry.

"I don't think I've ever seen him this angry." Sarah said with a small frown.

Conrad observed the girl in front of him as she sniffled with tears glistening in her eyes. He wanted to help her but didn't know how. He hated seeing her upset and that he couldn't do anything to do to help.

"It's gonna be okay, Sar, I promise." Conrad told her truthfully.

"How?" She questioned, looking at him desperately. "You and Liam have been best friends since you were born. You know how he is, he never wanted me to date you. I don't think he'll ever forgive us." She looked down at her hands when the worst idea popped into her mind. "I think maybe we should hit pause."

Conrad stared at her as if the world was ending. "What? No."

"It was a mistake to think everyone would be okay with it." Sarah said.

Conrad reached forward and gently tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Sarah, come on."

"I can't do that him, Con. Your friendship is more important." Sarah told him, biting down on her bottom lip.

"I hate this." He admitted.

Sarah nodded. "Yeah, me, too."

Conrad then reached into his pocket and pulled out the small jewellery bag. Sarah's breath hitches because she knew exactly what was inside.

"Um... this was always yours." He said, pulling the necklace out of the bag. "No matter what happens, we'll always be together. Infinite."

Sarah leaned forward, letting Conrad clasp the necklace around her neck. He pulled his hands away and she looked down at her necklace, feeling the cool metal on her fingers. She looked back at him and smiled.

"I will always love you. Forever." She said honestly.

Sarah then placed her hands on the back of Conrad's neck and pulled him towards her, kissing him.

Just knowing it was going to be their last time as a couple, the kiss was the sweetness of passion, a million loving thoughts condensed into a moment.


Sarah left school early, telling Hope it was so she could rest up for Justin's party that night. It was partly true. She did want to rest, but she didn't care about the party.

Waves • Conrad FisherWhere stories live. Discover now