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Conrad's words felt like a stab to Sarah's chest

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Conrad's words felt like a stab to Sarah's chest. Her heart pounded in her ears, making it hard to breathe.

"I brought her with me to help." Jeremiah said, glancing over at Sarah. He took a deep breath and faced Conrad. "So, this is why you haven't been answering my phone calls and texts?"

Conrad tore his gaze from Sarah and turned to his brother. "Jere, did you not hear what I just said? We're gonna lose this house. Mum's house."

Sarah furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "Why would your dad sell this house?"

"He's not. Our Aunt Julia is." Conrad explained, avoiding eye contact with her when he said it.

"Susannah's sister?"

"Half-sister." He corrected. "Apparently, the house belonged to the both of them. And then when Mum... Now Aunt Julia owns the whole thing, so..."

"Okay, we'll just call Dad and figure something out. That's it." Jeremiah suggested.

"You think I haven't already done that? He says legally the house is hers." Conrad told his younger brother.

Jeremiah sighed. "Okay, then he'll buy it."

"He doesn't have the money to buy it. Between Brown and the medical bills and the..."

"Yeah, I know how much the medical bills cost because I was there." Jeremiah said frustratingly. "How long did you know about this and not tell me?"

Sarah stood there, watching the two brothers argue. She knew she should probably step in, but this seemed more personal than the Summer House.

"Jere, this was all happening so fast. I was going to tell you after I'd taken care of it." Conrad replied.

Jeremiah scoffed. "And this is you taking care of it? Going AWOL, ditching school, not talking to us."

"Fuck school! I don't care!"

"Connie, you have to go back or you'll fail your class."

It was Sarah's turn to say something. She took a deep breath. "How are you going to become a doctor if you fail out of college, Conrad?"

Yes, she had to say it. She would say whatever she had to, even if it hurt him.

It was something Sarah had learned from watching Conrad in pretty much every game they'd ever played. At the first sign of weakness, you attack full force. You strike and you use every weapon in your arsenal, and you don't let up. No mercy.

Conrad didn't dare look at her, his face void of any emotion as he angrily pointed at her. "You have no idea what you're talking about."

Sarah's breath hitched in her throat. She stood there uncomfortably, looking down at her shoes, finding them the most interesting thing in the world at that moment.

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