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When Sarah woke up, the house smelled like freshly baked muffins

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When Sarah woke up, the house smelled like freshly baked muffins. She crawled out of the warm bed, her hair knotted and looked like a bird had nested there during the night.

She strolled down the stairs with a yawn, rubbing the exhaustion out of her eyes. She rounded the corner to the kitchen and instantly stopped in her tracks when she saw Aunt Julia at the counter sink staring out the window.

Skye walked over to their mother, snapping Julia from her daydreaming before they turned the sink off. "Mum? I know we're not in California, but save a little water."

"Thank you, honey." Julia said appreciatively.

Sarah pushed her lips out in a pout and began to turn around to go back to her bedroom until her name rang through the air.

"Oh. Hey, Sarah." Skye greeted as they walked over to the counter and sat on a stool.

Sarah closed her eyes in defeat and turned to face Skye. "Hey. Sorry. I just, um, smelled muffins."

"Want one?" Skye asked.

"Sure." Sarah replied and reached for the plate of muffins on the counter.

"Uh, those are for the open house." Julia informed firmly, giving Sarah a tight smile. "Morning."

Before anyone could speak, Jeremiah and Conrad opened the sliding door and walked into the Summer House, obviously having been surfing in the morning. Sarah had this crazy thought that she should try to warn them somehow. Whistle or something. But it was too late anyway.

"Mmm. Did somebody get muff...." Jeremiah trailed off when he and Conrad walked into the kitchen and saw Aunt Julia and Skye in the room.

Sarah looked over at Conrad and noticed that his entire body tightened up when he saw his aunt in The Summer House kitchen, already feeling the tension thick in the air.

"Hey, Jeremiah." Skye greeted.

"Hi...." Jeremiah muttered.

Skye's face fell when they saw their other cousin beside Jeremiah. "Conrad."

"Skye." Conrad said bluntly. He turned to his brother; frustration clearly plastered across his face. "You didn't tell me she was here, too."

"It's 'they'. Not 'she'." Skye corrected him, looking down at their hands in pure awkwardness. "God, I guess it's been like a decade since I saw you guys. Um, how are you doing since your mum?"

"It's been rough." Jeremiah answered honestly.

"Rougher now that our aunt's stealing our house." Conrad added.

"I'm not stealing anything, Conrad." Julia told her nephew, leaning against the island. "Like it or not, I get to choose what happens to this house and I choose to put it on the market. You boys should get on the road. Beat the traffic back to Boston."

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