CHAPTER ONE: sister?

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"Get off! Shit! Shit!" Nine, or Nina as they called her, walked downstairs as she heard Axel shouting

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"Get off! Shit! Shit!" Nine, or Nina as they called her, walked downstairs as she heard Axel shouting. "You're a terrible dancer, Axel." Kali told him as Nine stood next to her. "I told you, stay out of my head." He glared at her. "So, we're threatening little girls now, are we?" Kali told him. 

"She knows about you. She had this." Axel looked at Nine and gave her a picture and a birth certificate. "Where did you get this?" She looked at the girl in front of her, who looked her age. Maybe a year or two younger. "Mama." She simply replied. "Your mother gave this to you?" Nine furrowed her brows. 

"In her dream circle." Axel scoffed. "Dream circle. I think she's a schizo or something. Says she's looking for her sister." He told her. "Like I said, schizo. Jesus!" Nine glared at him. "I saw you. In the rainbow room." Nine's eyes widened for a moment at the mention of the lab. "What is your name?" She asked her. "Jane. Sister." She said as she pulled her sleve up to show her tattoo. 011. Nine copied her action. "And this memory your mother shared... that is your only memory of me?" She asked her and the girl nodded.

Nine looked at the birth certificate.

Katherine Theresa Ives

born: April 28th 1970

mother: Theresa Ives

father: unknown. 

The rest was for her useless. Nine smiled. She took her newfound sister and Kali to the roof. "And how long have you been with this policeman?" Nine, no, Kate asked. "Three hundred and twenty-seven days." Kali furrowed her brows. "And this policeman, he thinks he can work out some sort of deal with these men to set you free?" El nodded. "He says soon." Kate sighed. "He's naïve then." Kate said and Kali nodded. "We'll always be monsters to them. Do you understand? Let me guess. Your policeman, he also stops you from using your gifts? What you can do is incredible. It makes you very special, Jane."

"Wait. Do you have a gift?" Eleven asked them. "Similar. I can move things too, but on top of that, I have one more." Kate said and made fire in her hand, making Jane flinch. "Different. I can make people see, or not see, whatever I choose." Kali explained. !Is that why you made the man
with the crazy hair dance?! Kate chuckled. !Axel is not so fond of spiders, so...!

"You made him see spiders?! El asked. "But it doesn't have to be scary. This butterfly, it isn't real. I've just convinced your mind it is. Think of it as a kind of magic." Kate smiled as she saw her lost sister and Kali bond. "Are you real?" 

"Yes, I'm real." The three chuckled. "What's wrong?" El turned to Kate. "Nothing is wrong. It's just that i never even thought that i would find my family and now, you're here." Kate smiled. "I think your mother sent you here for a reason. I think she somehow knew that we all belong together." Kali smiled at them and Kate grabbed their hands. 

"I think this is your home." Kate smiled at the smaller girl. "Home." El sighed. "Yes. Home." Kali nodded.

Kate and Kali helped El get settled in and walked downstairs again. "How's your white hick sister? You tuck her in real tight?" Kate gave him a sarcastic smile. "Yeah, what about a lullaby Did you sing her one?"  And with that, the group, minus Kate and Kali started singing. "Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O. And on his farm he had a cow."

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