CHAPTER FOURTEEN: Kate's confession.

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When they picked Will, Mike and El up, something was wrong

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When they picked Will, Mike and El up, something was wrong. Soon, they found out, that El punched some girl with a roller skate. "I know this may be, like, upsetting and shit, but that future prom queen is gonna be fine. It's just, like, rubber wheels."

"Plastic." Jonathan corrected him. "Oh." Argyle gasped. "Not like hard plastic. Just...Just the soft kind." Jonathan explained. "Totally. But you ever wonder why the wheels aren't wood, man? Or metal? So people don't get hurt when they get shmacked."

"Oh." He touched his nose. "Yeah. Because it happens more than you think, man. Roller-skate attacks. Man. Hey, at least it wasn't an ice skate. That nose would've been sliced clean off, man. It could've been so much worse."

"So much worse. In the grand scheme of things, it's just a little blip." Jonathan said. "That's a funny word, man. Blip." Argyle said. "Blip." "Blip. Blip, blip, blip, blip, blip, blip, blip." They kept saying and Kate felt like she's gonna be insane. 

"Mom?" Jonathan called out, when they got home. "Well, well! Aren't you lot a sight for sore eyes, huh?" How the hell did Murray get into their kitchen. Kate thought. "Hi, Murray." Kate waved. "You kids like risotto?" "Yeah."

Kate changed to sweats and sat down nect to Will. "There I was, headed down the I-5, going to see a client in Ventura. I'm looking for a motel to stay for the night, and suddenly, bam, it hits me. Didn't the Byers move here?"

"Small world, isn't it? It's a small world." Joyce nodded. "So I thought, Hey, you know what? Why don't I drop in, say hello to my old friends?" He chuckled. "It's so sweet of you." Joyce smiled at him. "Sweeter of you to let me stay."

"And he cooks." She chuckled. "Mm, and cleans. A regular little housewife." Murray touched his hair. "You should stay." Joyce nodded. "I'd be tempted, Joyce, except, you know, you have that, uh..."

"Right, that business trip." This caught Kate's attention. "Business trip? What business trip?" She asked her. "Oh my gosh. I almost forgot to tell you guys. This thing came up at work...And it turns out I have to go to a conference tomorrow. In Alaska."

"Alaska?" Kate scoffed. "Tomorrow?" Will asked her. "Crazy, right? That's where they're based, the Britannicas. Joan and Brian Britannica." Murray sighed. "So do Eskimos, like, still live in igloos, or, uh, are they, like, fully-blown, like, living in the... in the suburbs now?"

"Who is this?" Murray pointed at Argyle. "So, Jonathan, this means you're gonna have to, you know, take charge while I'm gone." Joyce looked at Jonathan. "Wait. What? What's going on?" "Oh mz god." Kate and Will said at the same time. "Your mom's going to Alaska."

"You're going to Alaska?" Argyle hummed. "What's going on in Alaska?" He kept asking. "The Britannicas are there." Argyle answered his questions. "The Britannicas?" Argyle hummed. "Jonathan, what is wrong with you?"

"I think I know what's wrong with him."  Kate's eyes widened. "We just had a super stressful day." Jonathan answered. "Stress, huh?" Murray grinned. "This girl got shmacked in the head today at the roller rink."

"Shmacked?" El winced at the mention of the girl. "Yeah, one of those vicious skate attacks." He looked down. "A skate attack?" Murray furrowed his brows. "Yeah, but it wasn't an ice skate. It was..."

"It was a plastic skate." Jonathan said for him. "No, it was, like, rubber." Argyle corrected him. "Rubber. Rubber. Rubber. You know what? I'm not sure. Anyway, she looked like she's gonna be fine." Kate nodded. "She's totally fine."

"She didn't look fine." Mike said and El walked away. "El, aren't you gonna finish your... What...What is going on, you guys?" Joyce asked them. "I'll go get her." Kate stood up and walked over to El's room. 

She knocked on the door and opened it after a few seconds. "Hey, can I come in?" El nodded a little. "What's wrong?" El didn't reply and Kate sighed. "I know what you feel like." El shook her head. "No, you don't." 

"I do. Look, I'm gonna tell you something, but you can't tell anyone, okay?" El nodded. "When I escaped the lab, I didn't go with Kali. Kali tried to convince me to go with her, but I didn't. I ran away after she did. Um, I remember a man, he wanted to kill me, so I killed him. I don't know how many children survived, but I knew I had to run. So I killed all the soldiers, that stood in my way. I killed them all. I regret killing them, but I had to. But now, I'm trying to be a better person and it's working out. If you just try to forget and move on, it will eventually go away."


After last night, El stayed in her room, but talked to Kate after her confession. Right now, they were eating breakfast, but El wasn't there. Hey, guys, there is a 4:00 p.m. showing of Police Academy 3. Could be fun."

"Maybe we just stay home today." Kate said and Will nodded. "What is this? You guys just gonna mope around all break?" Kate shrugged. "No one's moping. It's just the movie is supposed to suck." 

After that, Mike got up and took El's breakfast. "He really fucked up." Kate shrugged. 

When they were done with breakfast, Will and Jonathan were watching tv and Kate was reading a book, while her head was placed on Will's leg. They were all just chilling, until the doorbell rang. "Ten bucks says Mom forgot something." 

"Yeah. I'm not taking that bet." Jonathan chuckled. "I am." Kate nodded. Jonathan and Kate walked to the door and opened it. "Hi, does Jane Hopper live here?" An officer asked. "Uh, yeah. Um, what is this about?" They looked at each other. "Is Jane's father or mother around?"

"Uh, no. No, her mom's out of town. But I'm her sister and these are her stepbrothers. I'm sorry, what... uh, what is this about?" She pointed at Jonathan and Will. "You may or may not be aware of an incident involving Jane at the Rink-O-Mania."

"That was an accident." Kate denied. "A warrant says otherwise." The officer said. "A warrant? Come on, that's crazy. That doesn't need to happen." El walked down the stairs with Mike and the officer looked at her. "Hey there. You Jane Hopper?"

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you." The officer said as he cuffed El. "Can you please tell us where you're taking her?"

"Are the cuffs really necessary?" Mike pointed at the cuffs and Kate didn't know what to do. She was frozen in place. "Officers, answer me. Eleven. Eleven, listen to me. Okay? Eleven, will you please look at me? Everything's gonna be fine. I am going to fix this. Okay? Just... Just stay calm and everything's gonna be fine. Okay? Just... All you have to do is trust me. I promise. I'm gonna get you out. I promise!"

The car drove away and Kate realized something. "Has Joyce's flight left yet?" Jonathan ran back to the house.

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