CHAPTER THREE: the gate and what happened after.

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The policeman started the engine and looked at El

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The policeman started the engine and looked at El. "So, what, we're just not gonna talk about it, huh?" He slightly turned to her but kept his eyes on the road. "About what?" Jane asked him. "Oh, I don't know. I'm just curious, you know, why all of a sudden you look like some kind of MTV punk and brought back some girl, who's actually your sister. I'm not mad, kid. I just want to know where you've been. That's all."

"To see Mama." She replied simply. "Okay. How'd you get there?" Kate felt bad for listening to their conversation, but it's not like she could go somewhere and give them some privacy. "A truck."

"A truck?" He raised his eyebrows. "A big truck." She added. "A big truck? Whose truck was it?" He scoffed. "A man's." She replied, simply. "A man's?" "A nice man." He sighed. "Okay. So let me just get this straight in my head. So a nice man in a big truck, he drove you to your mama's, and then what? Your Aunt Becky gave you those clothes and that makeup and a sister?" 

"I...I shouldn't have left." He hummed. "No. No, this isn't on you, kid. I should've been there. I should never have lied to you about your mom. Or about when you could leave. A lot of things I shouldn't have done. Sometimes I feel like I'm... Like I'm just some kind of black hole or something." He sighed. "A black hole?"

"Yeah, it's a... You know, it's this thing in outer space. It's like, it sucks everything towards it and destroys it. Sarah had a picture book about outer space. She loved it." He smiled slightly. "Who's Sarah?"

"Sarah? Sarah's my girl. She's my little girl." His smile faded a little. "Where is she?" Kate knew she's probably not here anymore, but she still could hope, she just lives with her mom or something. 

"Well, that's kind of the thing, kid. She, uh... She left us." He sighed. "Gone." He nodded. "Yeah. The black hole. It got her. And somehow... I've just been scared, you know? I've just been scared that it would take you, too. I think that's why I get... so mad. I'm so sorry. For everything. I could be so... so..."

"Stupid?" He chuckled. "Yeah. Stupid. Just really stupid." She chuckled too. "I've been stupid, too." She looked up at him. "I guess we broke our rule. I don't hate it, by the way. This whole... look. It's kinda cool. And after this is all over, maybe your sister could live with us." He looked at Kat. "If you want to." Kate smiled and nodded. Jane chuckled. "Bitchin'." "Okay. Sure."

"Bitchin'." Kate repeated as they pulled up to the lab. They walked in and Kate immediately got flashbacks "All right. You let me do the heavy lifting up front, all right? You save your strength till we're below." He spoke to the girls. "You okay?" He looked at the girls and they nodded. 

As they were walking they saw a man on the stairs. "Stay here. Oh, shit. Hey, Doc. Those suckers got you pretty good, huh? It's okay, don't talk. Don't talk. I got you. I got you. I got you. Oh, yeah, I've been meaning to tell you. This is Eleven and Nine. Eleven, Nine, Doc Owens. Doc Owens, Eleven, Nine. She's been staying with me for about a year and they're  about to save our asses. Maybe when this is all said and done, maybe you could help them out, too, you know? Maybe you could help them lead, like, a normal life. One where they're not poked and prodded and... treated like some kind of lab rat, you know? I don't know, just a thought. But, uh... think about it. Don't go anywhere."

They finally got to where the gate was and stepped on the elevator. Kate and Jane held their hands up as they started to close the gate. Kate focused on everything bad, exactly how Kali taught her, oblivious to the fact that Eleven was doing the same right next to her. 

Eventually El started to scream but Kate was just groaning now. But when the Mind Flayer wanted to attack and the girls used their powers to stop him, Kate started screaming too. Blood was falling out of Kate's nose and ears as they were getting so close to closing it.

Kate and Jane let out a final scream as they closed the gate. It was finally over. "You both did good, kids. You did so good."


It's been around 3 weeks since Kate and El closed the gate. Kate moved in with Hopper and even got her own room in the cabin. She was great friends with Max, but she felt something more for the redhead. Something she couldn't describe. Since Hopper didn't really allow Kate in the shops, Max would show her some things she found and Kate would tell her if she liked them. If yes, Max would buy them for the girl. So now, Kate's got a whole new closet, a diary for her poems and much more. 

Today Max was coming over, Mike probably too, but if he did, he would be with Eleven the whole time. Kate stood on the porch waiting for the redhead as she was finishing her poem. "Hey, superhero." Max greeted and Kate looked up from her poem. "Hey loser." They walked in the house and immediately went to Kate's room.

"Here are the clothes and i also got you a little surprise." Max smiled. Kate smiled too and looked in the bag. She took out some clothes and a koala teddy bear. Kate grinned. "Oh my god. Thank you so much." She breathed out and hugged Max, who chuckled. They pulled away and Max glanced on the diary with poems. She's been begging Kate to read her some. She quickly reached for it But Kate snached it before she could get to it. 

"Please, just one poem." Max begged and Kate thought. "Well, maybe. If you tell me your biggest secret, I'll tell you why you can't read them and maybe let you read some." Max was thinking. Is it worth it? She eventually gave in. "So, whatt't your biggest secret, Mayfield?" 

"You might hate me after i tell you this, but i don't like boys." Max looked down. "What do you mean don't like boys?" Kate furrowed her brows. "Like romantically, i don't like boys. I like girls. Well, I like a girl." Kate gasped. "You know, the thing why you couldn't read my poems is because they are about my feelings. About my confusion." 

"What confusion?" Kate sighed. "I don't think i like boys either. There's this girl and at the beggining I thought, that I was thinking of her as a friend. Just a friend. But I'm not so sure now." Max's eyes met Kate's as both girls started to lean in. Their lips met in the middle. They soon pulled away to breathe and Kate chuckled. "Did you know, that in fact you're the girl I was talking about?"

"Did you know that you're the girl I was talking about?" Max repeated as she giggled. "Would you like to be my girlfriend?" Max giggled as she wigled her brows. "Only if you want to be mine." Kate smiled as they kissed again. 


Today it's day 40 since closing the gate. And 18 days since the girls started dating. Hopper knew since he accidentaly walked in Kate's room and saw them kiss, but he was okay with it. The party didn't know and the girls thought that maybe today was the day, when they'll find out. 

Someone knocked on Kate's door as she was finishing her makeup. Even after she started to live with Hopper, she wore makeup. But not as much as she used to, when she lived with Kali. She still wore her beloved eyeliner. "Come in!" She shouted. "Hey, when you're done, can you put some of the makeup thing on El too? You know I suck at those girly things." They both chuckled. "Yeah, of course. Just tell her to come here." Hopper nodded as he left.

After Kate done her and El's makeup and hair, Hopper drove them to the school. After repeating for the hundreth time to be careful, the two girls were finally free to go. They stepped in and Kate saw some girl lead Will on the dance floor. Dustin walked away to some girls. Mike went to El and when Lucas was about to ask Max to dance, Kate walked over. "Hey losers." She got their attention. Lucas muttered a hi. "Hey superhero" She looked down. "You wanna... dance?" Kate chuckled and took her hand. 

They danced and danced. Some people gave them weird looks, but they didn't care. They had each other. No matter what. Lucas danced with some girl and noticed the way Max and Kate looked at each other. He figured it out and it looked like Will did too. 

The two girls ended up at Kate's and kept dancing and singing that night. Everything was perfect. 

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