CHAPTER FIFTEEN: Kate's arrival.

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The boys and Kate got to the police station

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The boys and Kate got to the police station. "Jane Hopper. Okay, yes, I see her now. It looks like she's still being processed." Kate furrowed her brows. "Okay. So, uh, what does that mean exactly?" She asked her. "They're putting her in the system. After, she'll be transferred to juvenile hall."

"What? Jail? You're gonna put her in jail?" Mike scoffed. "A detention hall for juveniles." She replied. "That's jail. Hey, look, is there any chance we can just see her?" Mike asked. "Are you a parent or guardian?"

"No, but... Well, we're her siblings, and we're family." The woman shook her head. "That's not enough. You have to be a parent or legal guardian." Kate scoffed. "You have to be kidding. Ridiculous."

"That's the law. You're not gonna change it complaining to me. You want to see Jane? Find your mother." They walked away. "Thank you." And with that, they left. "It's bullshit. Such bullshit.I mean, she wasn't even trying to help." Mike complained. "Then what do we do?"

"I don't know. I guess we have to wait for Mom to land in Alaska." Jonathan shrugged. "Then she's gonna be in jail?" Mike started to run after a car. "Hey! Hey, stop the car!" He kept shouting and Kate ran to him. "What are you doing?" She looked at the car. "Oh no."


After all of that, some woman visited them. "I'm sorry. I'm having trouble understanding any of this. I mean, what exactly is going on in Hawkins? What's doing these killings?" Kate asked her. "That's what we're trying to ascertain."

"Where is El, like, right now?" Mike asked her. "For her safety, it's best you don't know." Mike scoffed. "This is insane! This is insane!" He raised his voice. "So this training to get El's powers back, how long is it gonna take?"

"Could take weeks, could take months." She replied. "Months?" Their eyes widened. "Until then, agents Harmon and Wallace will stay with you." Kate scoffed. "We're not in danger. Our friends live in Hawkins." Kate said. "My family lives in Hawkins." Mike added.

"That's why we're sending Nine to Hawkins." Kate's eyes widened. "What? No, I'm not going to Hawkins." She shook her head. "There's no time for disscusion. Hawkins needs protection. Go pack a bag, we'll leave in 10." The woman glared at her and Kate eventually gave in and packed her bag in her room. 

She walked down the stairs and heard the woman. "We're friends of Owens. Eleven trusted us. Now we're asking the same from you." She walked to them. "I have everything I need." The woman nodded. Kate hugged the boys and followed the woman in the car.

She took out her walkman and some tapes. She took her favourite song and placed it in the walkman. Kate tried to fall asleep as 'Carry on Wayward Son' by Kansas played in her headphones.

Kate woke up, to the car slowing down. "If you want to use the bathroom or some food, now's the time." Kate nodded and walked in the gas station. She used the bathroom and walked in the shop. She took a can of coke and some snacks. 

Kate wanted to go pay for it, but the woman walked up to her. "We gotta go." She announced. "What? Why?" Kate raised her brows. "No time for questions." The woman dragged her back to the car and they drove away. 

"Okay, are you going to tell me, what the fuck is going on?" The woman sighed. "The federals got there, so we had to go." Kate raised her brows. "Why?" The woman sighed again. "Because, they are after you and your sister." She raised her voice a little. "Why?" She asked again. "They believe you and your sister are behind the murders."

Kate shuted up after that and placed her headphones on her head again. 


Kate's eyes fluttered open and she saw a sign that read 'Welcome to Hawkins', she rubbed her eyes. "Where exactly should your friends be?" Kate thought for a second. She gave them the Wheeler's adress, because their basement is the most likely place, where they would be right now. 

When they got there, Kate picked up her bag and exited the car. "Thank you." She said before she closed the door. The woman nodded with a small smile. She walked up to the door and knocked. After a moment, Mrs. Wheeler opened up. "Kate, hi. I didn't know you were in Hawkins."

"Yeah, it's a little surprise. Um, is Nancy here?" Mrs. Wheeler nodded. "Nancy, you have a visitor." She shouted. Soon after that, Steve, Robin and Nancy with dressed in her arms walked down the stairs. Kate waited until she saw them and Mrs. Wheeler left. "Hi." She breathed out.

"Hi." Nancy smiled softly. Kate walked up and hugged the girl, doing the same with Robin and Steve. "How did you get here?" Nancy asked with a small smile. "I heard you're having some trouble." 

They walked down the stairs to the basement, to show them that Kate came. The boys looked up and couldn't believe their eyes. "Holy shit." Dustin breathed out as he ran to the girl and wrapped his arms around her. She hugged him back.

She looked over to Lucas, who stood up. "Hi" She said and embraced him, oblivious to the fact, that a certain redhead was watching her with tears in her eyes. "Did you get my letter already?" He shook his head. "I thought so, I sent it a few days ago."

"What did you write there?" She grinned. "Well, you remember David? The guy I told you about?" He nodded. "Well, I finally told him, that I like him." She looked down. "And?" He asked her. "We're dating now!" He hugged her again. "That's great!"

Lucas looked to his right and Kate glanced over, where he was looking. She saw her. Max looked back at the table, trying to blink away the tears. Kate's smile fell at the sight of the redhead. Kate's eyes watered a  bit, but she blinked the tears away and smiled again at Lucas.


The boys sat on the cough and Kate paced in front of them as they explained everything, they knew. After they explained, Kate sat down in a corner of the room. She placed the headphones on her head and played her favourite song. She kept thinking about everything, until someone walking to her, distracted her. 

"For you. And, um, give these to Mike, El, and Will. When you get back to Lenora." She handed her some letters. Kate took only the three that were for Mike, El and Will. "What are you doing? Take it." Kate shook her head. "No."

Max held the letter in front of the brunette's face. "What's wrong with you? Just take it." She scoffed and Kate stood up. "Well, there's gotta be something wrong with me, when I broke up with you, right?" 

"Just take it." The redhead glared at her. "No. I'm not going to. What do you expect? You left me. You, left me. And you didn't even have the courage to tell me why, or break up with me. You dissapeared and I had to do it. And you didn't even try to explain. It's been almost 3 months. Almost 3 months and you didn't try to explain. Now is too late."

Max looked at her in disbelief. "What the hell? How can you say I didn't try to explain or come back? What about my letters? Huh?" Kate looked up to her with tears in her eyes. "What letters?" Max looked shocked. 

"Just take it." Max took Kate's hand, placed the letter in her hand and walked away. "If we go to East Hawkins, will this reach Pennhurst?" She looked at Dustin. "Of course. Yeah." He nodded. "Why are we talking about East Hawkins?" 

"No. No. No! Max, Max. Seriously. Seriously, I'm not joking. I'm not driving you anywhere." He shouted at her, but she kept walking. "If you think I'm going to spend what is likely the last day of my life in the armpit that is Mike Wheeler's basement, you're out of your mind. Either take me where I need to go or tie me down, which is technically kidnapping of a minor. And if I live to see another day, Steve, I swear to God, I will prosecute. Open the door."

"Uh, no." He shook his head. "I know a good lawyer." He gave up. "Henderson, that super walkie of yours better reach Pennhurst."

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