CHAPTER THIRTEEN: the last day of school and Mike's arrival.

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Since Kate woke up early this morning, she decided to write Lucas a letter and inform him about everything that happened since her last letter to him

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Since Kate woke up early this morning, she decided to write Lucas a letter and inform him about everything that happened since her last letter to him. Which she wrote in december. It took like four days for Lucas to receive the letter. 

Dear Lucas,

A lot happened since my last letter. For example, El wanted some change, so she made me cut her bangs and they turned out really good. I also taught her how to use makeup and she started using some, mainly mascara and blush. Even though you probably have no idea, what I'm talking about, it makes me happy. 

Also, when I did El's hair, I cut some of my hair off too. Just a little, but still. Beside that, nothing really changed in my apperance. I still wear my jeans and eyeliner. And even though I debated if I should dye my hair blonde, I didn't do it. 

I listened to your advice and became friends with the popular girls. They're actually nice. I went to a lot of  parties at Rink'O'Mania with them. And they helped me with my English, so now I have really good grades.

But I have bigger news. If you remember when I told you about David. Well, I finally got the courage to tell him, that I really like him, and guess what. We're dating now! He's great. Like really great.

Everything is great. I wish I could you and Dustin could come here over the break too and see California. Because when I first got here, I hated it. But mostly because I missed you all. But now I love it. 

I hope you and the boys are doing good. I wanted to come to Hawkins on the break, but there's something keeping me from it. I think we both know what I mean. Or who I mean. 

Anyway, I think that's all that I wanted to tell you. Other than that, everything's the same. Will is painting something new, Joyce has a great job, Jonathan found himself a friend, who drives us to school and I think that El is also satisfied. 



Kate put the letter in the folder and wrote Lucas' adress. She put it in her bag and walked out of her room. Since everyone was ready, they walked out and saw Argyle pulling up to their driveway. Will opened the door and they got it. "Hold on to your butts, brochachos." Argyle said as he drove away. 

When they got to school, Kate said her goodbyes to Argyle, Jonathan, Will and El and walked over to David. "Hi." She said as she gave him a quick peck on his lips. "Hi." He grabbed her hand and they walked to class together. 


For Kate it was a normal day, school was over and she walked out of the school peacefully, until she heard a scream. A scream she knew very well. El's scream. She ran towards the noise and saw  El on the ground with a teacher next to her. "What's going on? Jane? Jane. Did someone do this?"

"I tripped. It was just an accident." The teacher turned around. "All right, Angela. You come with me." She grabbed her arm. "What? Why? I didn't do anything. Tell her, Jane. Tell her!" The teacher lead her away and Kate ran to El. "Shit. El. El. Shit. El... I'm sorry." Will came to them too. "Did the blond girl do this?" El shook her head. "El, I'm being serious. Did she actually do this?" El shook her head again, but Kate didn't believe her. 

"It's gonna be okay. It... It's not that bad. We'll fix it together, okay? Okay? Shit." Will cooed the girl.


Today, Mike was coming, which meant that they were picking him up. "Flight 623 just landed from Indianapolis and will be arriving at gate two. Flight 623 from Indianapolis at gate two." El looked carefully for Mike. When she saw him, she immediatelly hugged and kissed him. "Ah! Oh, careful, careful, careful. You're squishing your present. It's a gift. I, uh... I handpicked those for you in Hawkins. I know you like yellow, but now I'm realizing it's too much yellow. I know you also like purple, so I got purple as well. So I kinda did, like, a 70/30 split kinda thing."

"They're perfect. Thank you." Will walked over to Mike. "Hey. How you doing?" He asked him. "How you doing?" He asked him back. "Yeah, good, man. Great. Uh, what's that?" He pointed to Will's arms. "Um, it's nothing. Just this painting I've been working on."

"Cool." He nodded. "Hey, Mike." Kate greeted. "Oh, hey Kate." He looked over at her. "That's a rad shirt, man. Ocean Pacific?" Argyle pointed at Mike's shirt. "Oh, hey, Mike. This is, uh, my friend Argyle." Jonathan introduced him. "Oh. Hey."

"Oh no, no, no. No, it's a shitty knockoff. Yeah. But don't sweat it. I'll get you the good threads out here. I heard a lot about your sister." Kate furrowed her brows. "Is he high again?" She whispered to Will, who shrugged. "Uh. O-Okay. Um, should we go?" 

"Yeah, this is kinda awkward, man." Argyle agreed. "Yeah, so awkward." Mike nodded and they started walking out. El began explaining their day to Mike and Kate looked around. 

After this, they drove to Rink'O'Mania. Kate pleaded to not have to go there and stay with Jonathan and Argyle and they agreed after a little bit of convincing. "Hey, Will. We'll be back at 6:00. Have fun, okay?" Jonathan called out to Will. "Okay." 

"Yes!" Argyle shouted as he broke a window of some car. "I don't know. Part of me expected her to be on that plane. Or something. Just like, "Hey, surprise!" "Here I am." But also...I felt this...I felt this intense relief when she wasn't there." 

"No, that's the Purple Palm Tree Delight working its magic, my man. Makes your troubles float away like the seed pods of a dandelion flowing in the wind." Argyle said and Kate rolled her eyes. "No. No, that's not it. Hey... If I show you something, you two wouldn't tell anyone, right?" Kate nodded. 

"Who would I tell? You're my only friend, Jonathan. What's that?" He said as Jonathan came back with a letter. "It's an acceptance letter to Lenora Community." Jonathan explained. "That's where I'm going." Jonathan nodded. "I know." Kate furrowed her brows. "But you're going to Emerson with Nancy." 

"No, I'm not. She just doesn't know it yet." Jonathan looked down. "What?" Argyle seemed really confused. "Hold on, what is going on?" Jonathan sighed. "Like, I... I can't leave my mom and my brother to... to... to chase a dream that isn't mine."

"You're dead, man. You are so dead." Kate nodded along. "What was I supposed to do?" He scoffed. "Not lie." Kate butted in. "Not lie?" "Yeah." Argyle agreed with the girl. "Not lie?" He raised his brows. "Yeah!" The two said at the same time. "What, so I just tell her the truth?"

"Yes." Kate scoffed. "No. No. Because... Because if I told her the truth, then she'd just throw her dreams out the window to come out here and be with me. And I... I just can't take that. Like, you know? Like, this... this huge knot of resentment would build, like... like some cancer, until eventually she hates me. And then, before you know it, we're just like my mom and dad. We're divorced, my kids hate me". "Shit!" Argyle shouted as he missed. "Yeah, shit! I mean, it's all shit. The cycle never ends."

"Yeah, man. Your nightmare cycle. You want it to stop, but what is your approach here? To just slow-motion break up with Nancy?" Argyle asked. "I guess." He shrugged. "No, man!" Kate shouted at him. "I know. I don't know what to do."

"Palm Tree Delight! That's what you do." Kate scoffed. "Seriously? More drugs?" They ignored her. "Palm Tree Delight?" Argyle nodded. "Go, go. Go. Ándale, ándale. Ándale. Arriba, arriba. Let's go! Backpack in the back of the van. Go! Got me stressed out. It's not even my girlfriend. Please tell me, you don't have relationship problems too." Kate chuckled. "Not anymore."

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