CHAPTER FOUR: Dustin's arrival.

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Kate's head was placed on Max's stomach as the two girls were laying on Kate's bed

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Kate's head was placed on Max's stomach as the two girls were laying on Kate's bed. The brunette softly hummed the lyrics of the song that played on radio as they looked through some magazines, Max brought. "When do you have to leave?" Kate looked up. "In like 30 minutes." Kate frowned. "And what if I don't let you?" She grinned and Max chuckled. "Then you'd have to listen to Lucas' lecture." Kate put her hands up in defense. "Okay fine."

The brunette decided to enjoy every moment of the 30 minutes they had. They cuddled, kissed, sang, danced and decided to make cookies the other day. "Okay, i really gotta go now." Kate's smiled faded. "Fine, but call me when you'll get home." Max nodded and kissed Kate's lips before she left. 

Kate really wished she could go with them, but Hopper had his rules and he was currently home. When he was at work, Kate sometimes snuck out with Max and hoped El wouldn't snitch. 


Today was the day, when Dustin's coming back home. Max is coming in 20 minutes and they're gonna bake cookies, before going to Dustin's house to surprise him. 

Kate was sitting on the porch as she was waiting for Max. She already prepared everything they'll need to make cookies, so now she just needed Max. When she saw a glimpse of red hair, she got up and ran to her. They hugged and kissed, before going inside.

After the girls made cookies, offered some to El, Mike and Hopper, cuddled, watched some tv and just hung out, they biked to Dustin's house. The party prepared everything they needed to surprise Dustin. "This is Gold Leader, returning to base. Do you copy? Over. This is Gold Leader, returning to base. Do you copy? Over. I repeat: This is Gold Leader, returning to base. Do you copy? Over. I repeat: This is goddamn Gold Leader..." They heard through the walkie and knew Dustin will come soon.

They were hiding behind a wall as they heard the front door open and someone walking to Dustin's room. "At least someone's happy I'm home." He sighed. El and Kate closed their eyes, so they could move his toys and get him out of the room. Dustin walked out of the room with a hairspray. "It's just a dream. You're dreaming."

When he was far enough Mike whispered. "Now!" The two girls opened their eyes and the toys stopped moving. The group snuck behind Dustin. They held up the poster, they made him and blew their nosemakers. Dustin turned around, surprised and screamed as he started spraying the hairspray in Lucas' eyes. 

After Dustin stopped, Max and Kate took Lucas to the sink to wash the spray out of his eyes. "Better?" Lucas rubbs his eyes. "Still stings. Is that a new zit?" He pointed to Max's forehead and the redhead's eyes widened. "What is wrong with you?" Kate pushed his head under the water again. "I was just asking!" He screamed. 

They kept washing Lucas' eyes until the rest of the group walked down the stairs towards the door. "What's going on?" Max asked. "Going to talk to Dustin's girlfriend." The three looked at each other. "Girlfriend?"


The party minus El, Mike and Kate carried bags with Dustin's new invention. Kate was picking up dandelions, making a flower crown and spinning so her skirt would twirl. Max was watching her, adoring her. "Aren't we high enough?" She complained. "Cerebro works best at a hundred meters."

"You know, I'm pretty sure people in Utah have telephones." Kate said and Max nodded. "Yeah, but Suzie's Mormon." He reasoned. "Oh, shit. She doesn't have electricity?" Lucas raised his brows. "Oh, that's the Amish." Max replied. "What are Mormons?" Will asked. "Super religious white people. They have electricity and cars and stuff, but... since I'm not Mormon, her parents would never approve. It's all a bit...Shakespearean."

"Shakespearean?" Kate furrowed her brows. "Yeah. Like Romeo and Juliet." Max nodded. "Right." Kate hummed. "Star-crossed lovers." He kept explaining. "I got it." Max cut him off. "Hey, guys! This is fun and all, but, uh..." Mike started. "I have to go home." El said. 

"We're almost there." Dustin threw his arms. "Sorry, man. Curfew. Come on, let's go. Good luck." He pointed at his watch and El giggled. "Curfew at 4:00?" Dustin raised his brows. "They're lying. Why would El have curfew earlier than me?" Kate confirmed. "It's been like this all summer."

"It's romantic." Max shrugged. "It's gross." Lucas stated. "It's bullshit. I just got home. Well, their loss, right? Onwards and upwards! Suzie awaits!" Max sighed and Kate walked up to her. "You need any help, my love?" Max smiled. "It's okay, i got it." Kate didn't believe her, so she snatched one bag out of her arms and Max smiled. "Will, come on!" Dustin called out and Kate turned, just to see Will running up to catch up with them. 

They finally made it up and threw all of the bags on the ground. "Made it." Dustin breathed out. "Yeah, only took five hours." Max  complained. "Why couldn't we just play D&D?" Will said. "I'm so thirsty." Lucas started gulping on their water and Max watched him in disbelief. "Did you seriously just drink the rest of our water?" He spit the rest of the water he had in his moutch back and Kate grimaced. She took out her own bottle and passed it to Max. "Thanks, love." 

"Pretty impressive, right?" Dustin grinned. "Now, you ready to meet my love?" Kate nodded. "Okay, sure." Max said as the rest of them nodded. "Suzie, this is Dustin. Do you copy? Over. One sec. She's probably... She's still there. Suzie... this is Dustin. Do you copy? Over. I'm sure she's there. It's just..."

"Yeah." Kate looked at him in disbelief. "You know, maybe she's, like, busy or...It's around dinnertime." They hummed. "Suzie, do you copy? This is Dustin. Over. Suzie, do you copy? This is Dustin. Over." 

The sun has already set and Kate was laying on Max's stomach. "Suzie! This is Dustin. Do you copy? Over. Suzie, this is your Dustin. Do you copy? Over. Suzie..." Dustin kept saying, until Max got up. "Dustin, come on! She's not there." Kate sat up. "She's there, all right? She'll pick up."

"Maybe Cerebro doesn't work." Will shrugged. "Or maybe Suzie doesn't exist." Max said. "She exists!" Lucas raised his eyebrows. "She's a genius and she's hotter than Phoebe Cates? No girl is that perfect." He shrugged. "Is that so?" Max and Kate said at the same time. "I mean... you're both perfect. I mean, like, per... perfect in your own way. In your special... your own special way."

Kate started laughing. "Relax, we were teasing. We're obviously perfect and Dustin's obviously lying. Come on, superhero." She helped Kate up. "Where are you going?" Dustin called out as Max grabbed Kate's hand, interlocking their fingers. "Home."


 Kate was eating her breakfast with Hopper peacefully, until El started calling someone. She then slammed the phone back into it's place and Hopper grinned. "What did you do?" Hopper turned to the brunette. "Nothing." He kept smiling. "Oh my god, did you actually kill Mike?"

After Hopper left, Eleven knocked on Kate's door. "Come in!" She shouted. "Can you take me to Max?" Kate furrowed her brows but nodded. "Yeah, sure."

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