CHAPTER NINE: the mind flayer.

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After they got back to Hopper's cabin, Kate and El locked themselfs in their rooms and searched for people, they needed to search for

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After they got back to Hopper's cabin, Kate and El locked themselfs in their rooms and searched for people, they needed to search for. After a while, they walked out, just to hear Mike shouting something. "What's going on?"

"Nothing. Nothing. Just a family discussion." Lucas said. "Oh." She looked down. "I found him." Kate announced. "Found who?"

"And that's not normal, right?" Nancy asked Max, after Kate explained. "Billy staying in his room on the Fourth of July? No, that's not normal." She denied. "He wants us to find him." Will realized. "Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of. If we go to Billy, then the rest of the flayed know where we are."

"It's a trap, I agree. We'll be ambushed. We won't be surprised. We'll know that they're coming, and we will kick their flayed butts." Lucas said. "You mean Kate and El will kick their butts." Max argued. "It's too risky." She said. "Yeah, and unnecessary. Killing the flayed won't stop the Mind Flayer. We have to find out where it's spreading from. We have to find the source."

"Billy knows it. Billy's been there. To the source." Kate said and El nodded. "Yeah, but..." Max started. "It's a trap. I know. We can't go to Billy, but I think there's another way. A way for us to see where he's been." Kate said and El nodded again. 

"El, I know you think you have to do this, but you don't. It's just, you've only done this before once. And your mom, she loved you, and wanted you to know what happened. And Billy's mind is... is sick, diseased. The Mind Flayer is in him." Mike spoke to El as Max just held Kate's hand. 

When Mike and El stopped talking, Kate turned to the girl. "Are you sure you want to go there with me? I can do it alone, if you're too tired." El shook her head. "I'm okay." Kate sighed and nodded. The girls put their blindfolds on and went into the void. 

Kate looked next to her and saw El. She grabbed her hand and walked towards Billy, El followed."Billy. Can you hear me?" Kate said. "We want to see." El continued. "We want to see what happened." The girls grabbed his hands and he looked up as he started to pull their hands. They both tried to fight him and ended up falling.

They fell on a beach and Kate looked around. "We're okay." El announced. "What's going on?" Mike's voice echoed there. "We're... on a beach." Kate said. "What else do you see?" Kate heard Max's voice and immediately relaxed. "A woman."

"She's... pretty. I... I think she's looking at us." El told them. "Woo! Yeah! You did it!" She cheered. "There's... a boy." Kate said. "Did you see that?" He grinned. "Yeah, I saw that!" She chuckled. "That was at least seven feet." He pointed at the sea. "I don't know what it was, but it almost gave me a heart attack."

"Ten more minutes?" He pleaded. "Yeah, okay, ten more minutes. But any longer than that, Dad's gonna be mad, okay? Billy? Watch out for rip currents!" He nodded. "It's Billy." Kate told them as she saw a storm in front of them. "I think I see it. The source." She added. 

"Hey! Billy, stop! What the hell is wrong with you? What did we talk about, huh? You gotta slide!"  "I know." "Wait. Afraid you're gonna get hurt, is that it?" "No." "Well, what then? What? What did I raise, a pussy for a son?"  "Leave me alone!" "Hey!" "That's right, run! Like you always do!"

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