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After saying bye to everyone, the four exited the car and walked in the Creel's house

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After saying bye to everyone, the four exited the car and walked in the Creel's house. They all took their shoes off, to not make any noise. The two girls sat in the middle of the room and Lucas sat in front of the window, waiting for Erica's signals. 


'Hi :)'

'Glad you're here'

'Me too <3 You still up on Friday for a movie and a sleepover?'

Max then drew them in a movie theater and Kate giggled, quietly. Lucas then walked over and told them, that it was time for phase 2. The two girls got their shoes and Max began to provoke Vecna, so he would take her. 

"Hey! Asshole! I'm here. No more music. No more games. Do you hear me? What are you waiting for, huh? Come on! Do you want me or not? What are you waiting for, asshole? Hmm? I'm right here. I'm right here! I know you can hear me. I know you can read my thoughts. Even the worst ones. Maybe mostly the worst ones. I thought about what you said. About how I wanted my brother to die. I thought you were just trying to upset me. To anger me. But you weren't, were you? You were just telling the truth. Billy, he made my life living hell. Every chance he got. So, sometimes... When I would lie in bed at night, I would... I would pray...I would pray that something would happen to him. Something awful. I knew that he drove too fast, so I would imagine him crashing. Dying in that stupid car. I just... I wanted him out of my life. Forever. I wanted him to disappear. The day that he died...I think that's why I just stood there. Watched. Not because I was scared or... weak. But because... I didn't know if he deserved to be saved. And I've tried to forgive myself. I've tried, but... I can't. I can't. So now... Now, when I lie in bed at night...I pray that something will happen to me. That something terrible will happen to me. So that's why I'm here. Because...I just want you to take me away. And I want you...To make me disappear."

After that, Max became silent. When Kate looked at her, she saw her eyes rolled in the back of her head. "He's got her." She announced and sat next to Max. She took her hand and began to reply of their memories. 

"Where are you going, Maxine?" She heard and opened her eyes. She saw Max closing a door. "Max!" Max smiled when she saw her, grabbed her hand and ran to another door. "Max! Let me out of here! Max! Open the door! Open the door! Max! Let me out! Max! Max! Max!"

"Nine." He growled. "You can't hide from me, Max. You think I don't see what you're doing? You think I don't see everything? You thought you could trick me? You thought your friends could stop me? I see them. I see your friends. Just as clearly as I... see you. I can feel them. I can feel them dying. It's time, Max. It's time."

He walked down the stairs and looked pissed, when he saw Kate. "You are brave, Maxine. Much braver than your brother. But in the end... You are weak and fragile, just like him. Like all the rest of them. And you will break." Both girls closed their eyes and tried to travel to their favourite memory. 

When they opened their eyes, they were back in the gym of Hawkins Middle School. Kate chuckled and so did Max. The music was playing and since there was no danger, Kate took Max's hands in her own and started swaying to the rythm. 

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