Chapter 1-The void

162 7 0

Chara's pov

Where am I ? I looked around and saw four weird statues. They look a lot like Sans, and the pose is kind of weird. Their face.... they looked scared. I wonder what happened. I gently touched the statue with the big paintbrush.

Suddenly, a screen appeared. It said,'Welcome! User'.

I pressed the continue button below the message.

'System loading.... Analysing user....
Loading complete:

Name: Chara Deemurr
Race: Human
Title: None
Lv 1

Hp- 20/20
ATK- 7
DF- 10
Points: 0


Functions unlocked:

Press icon or say Function name to open'

I pressed Guide.


I pressed AUs.

'AUs stands for alternative universes. They are alterations to the story, world, and/or characters of Undertale, be it crossovers, changes in aesthetic, or role-swaps..................'

"This is going to take a long time." I sighed.

After I finished reading the guides, I learned that just like AUs, there are multiple multiverses.

"Help?" I asked.

'How may I help you?'

"Where am I?"

'You are currently at the Void'

"The Void?"

'The Void is a blank space that connects all multiverses'

"Can I go to another multiverse?"

'Please select a multiverse'

I scroll through lots and lots of multiverse names and decided

"Send me to Multiverse #453"

A portal appeared and I stepped through.

                   <To be continued>

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