Chapter 7- Chaotic travelling

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^Art by me, this is the real Helen.

Chara's pov

I died again.
I lay on the flowerbed. What should I do? How do I explain what happened with Sans and Frisk when they refused to listen?

"Hey, Chara! What happened? You looked troubled." A familiar voice said as a blur of neon blue/green dash towards me and hugged me. It was Helen, the real one.

"Wow! You look so different, you look smaller and more energetic!" I exclaim. The real Helen is so small that she could pretend to be an 8 year old and people would believe her.

"Wait, how old are you?" I asked without thinking.

"Well, my body is a 6 year old while mentally, I'm about 14, but I'm..." Helen started counting with her fingers. "I got it! I'm about 6 decades old, actually."

6 decades!? You know what? I'm not gonna question that.

"So... what happened?" Helen asked.

I told her about what had happened.

"I think that we should wait for Papyrus to wake up and solve the misunderstanding." Helen said.

"That's a great idea. But what if he doesn't wake up?" I asked.

"Don't worry, he's going to wake up. And..." Helen smiled evilly, "in the meantime, we can prank the multiverse!"

"How about we travel around the multiverse first?" I suggested.

"Fine." Helen opened a portal and pulled me through.

~At 'the castle'~

"Welcome! To one of the most mysterious places of the multiverse, Noot..... I mean Nightmare's castle! Owned by the King of Negativity. This is also the Bad Sanses' secret base." Helen introduced.

"Should we be here? I mean, isn't this private property?" I asked worriedly.

"Don't worry. We'll be fine, follow me! Over there is the living room, where most of the 'residents' are and the best place to do some pranks!" Helen dragged me through the long corridor and stopped at a door.

"Here's a fun fact: the bad sanses are feared across the multiverse cause they destroy and kill things for fun." Helen said while peaking through the side of the door.

I decided that we shouldn't stay here any longer.

"Helen, can we go to another famous place, please?" I did the sad puppy face.

"Fine." Helen opened another portal, and I got pulled into another place.

~At the Doodle Sphere~

"This is the Doodle Sphere, where Ink the creator and protector of AU creates and stores AUs." Helen smiled.

"Wow! This is impressive." I was amazed. We stayed there until...

"How did you get in?" A skeleton with a giant paintbrush said.

"Let's run!" Helen portaled us again. This time, we ended up at a cliff.

"This is Outertale. The view here is the best." Helen sat down on the grass.

I looked at the view. There were a lot of stars, and the view was simply breathtaking. This is now my favourite place.

~At the other side of the multiverse~

3rd person pov

"I have called this meeting to discuss about 'that peson'." Ink announced, reading the message on his scarf. The Sanses at the meeting began talking to each other.

"Isn't that person' dead?"

"I hope 'that person' stay dead."

"Who's 'that person'?"

"Don't you know 'that person', is the original genocide child, the Demon that comes when people call it's name?"

"I don't know who that is."

"You must be new, listen carefully. I will say this once,'that person' is called C-h-a-r-a. We don't say their name cause it would summon them, and they would kill us."


"Earlier today, we have received news from Classic that he and UT Frisk have seen 'that person'." Dream reported as the sanses looked shocked, scared and worried.

"We have also received another message from Classic that 'that person' killed their Papyrus. Luckily, UT Frisk was able to reset." Dream continued. "We-the Star Sans have searched the original undertale, but we weren't able to find 'that person'. This led to a conclusion that either 'that person' has gained the ability to travel through AUs or that they have joined forces with my brother, which is unlikely as 'that person' hate all of Monster kind. We ask you all to stay with your Papyruses and humans and also keep a bottle of ink for emergencies. Please report to any of the Star Sanses if you have seen 'that person'. "

And so, the meeting ended, and the sanses went home.

"Blue, are you sure you want to stay?" Dream asked.


"We should start searching. Dream, you go with Blue to search the AUs while I'll search in the Doodle Sphere. " Ink said.

~At Nightmare's castle~

Nightmare's pov

I was in my office when the murder trio broke the door rushed in.

"You idiots! I told you for the hundredths of times to knock and stop breaking my door!" I yelled. Great, now I have to replace that door.

"Boss! This is important. Earlier Dust infiltrated the Star Council's meeting." Killer said.

"He did what!" I shouted.

*After calming down*

"Continue. " I signed and sat on my chair.

"So apparently the Star sh** called the meeting cause there have been sightings of the original Chara." Killer continued.

"It was hilarious! All of them were so scared of the Original Chara that they couldn't even say Chara's name." Dust laughed.

"...wait,... who... Chara?" Horror asked.

"Chara the Genocide child, they say that Chara was the one behind all the genocide runs and Frisk was innocent." Dust said, "But in truth, only Killer has seen Chara."

Horror looks at Killer.

"Why would I tell you anything." Killer told Horror.

I glared at Killer.

"Fine, when I met them, they were a ghost and was possessing Frisk. I think they have been dead for years. During the time I knew them, I found out that they hate humans and monsters alike." Killer looked away.

"Tell me everything else you know about this 'Chara'." I smiled evilly, this could turn in my favour.

<To be continued>

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