Chapter 12- Crazy Killer

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Chara/Peace's pov

I just finished brushing my teeth and was walking to the living room for breakfast when all of a sudden, blue strings tied me up and lifted me up off the floor.

"Wh3r3 @m 1?" Error asked.

"I don't know." I answered.

"D0n't y0u l1v3 h3r3?" Error questioned. I shock my head frantically.

"H0w d0 I l3@ve?" Error asked.

"There's no exit, unless you open a portal from the outside." I said.

"Wh@t!" Error shouted.

"Look, I'm trapped in here as well. Can you let me down? I need to go eat breakfast." I said.

"F1n3." Error said and walked away. The strings vanished and I fell on the floor.

"That was weird." I said to myself and walked to the living room. As usual, breakfast was already placed on the table. I noticed a bar of chocolate, I was about to eat the chocolate but then I saw a note on the table, it says 'To Peace: if you ever need Error's help, give this chocolate to him and tell him that your an original. P.S. If you die here, you die for real.'
I don't know what an 'original is, but I resisted the urge to eat it and put the chocolate in my pocket.

Suddenly a portal opened.

"Helen?" I asked, hoping that Helen has finally found this place.

But Fate never do what you wish, a skeleton with a knife walked through. As he turned to face me, I could see black liquid dripping out of his eye sockets. Even though I never met him, I can tell that all it takes is one wrong move and my head would fall off.

He then charged at me before I could even say wait. I dodged his knife and ran through the hallway towards Error's room. I pulled out the chocolate as I almost reached the door. I then twisted and opened the door panicky. Please be there.

I looked around the room. Error isn't here. I felt my heart drop. Looking backwards the skeleton is almost here, I could hear his crazy laughter reaching closer and closer. Then I saw him in front of me, ready to cut me in half. Panicking and not knowing what to do, I used the chocolate bar to shield myself. What a stupid thing to do, a chocolate bar won't save me from a killer.

But then a miracle happened, the crazy skeleton lowered his knife and snatched the chocolate. He began to eat it. When he was eating the chocolate, I noticed that he had a red target floating in front of his shirt. I wonder what that is.

Suddenly, before I could react, the skeleton was behind me and held a knife next to my neck.

"Where am I and who are you?" The skeleton questioned. Isn't this deja vu?

"My name is Peace and I don't know where we are." I answered.

"How did I get here?" The skeleton asked.

"You walked through the portal, don't you remember?" I said. And you tried to kill me, I added in my head.

"How do I leave?" The skeleton asked.

"I don't know, I have been trapped here for almost a week and I haven't found any exit." I answered truthfully.

The skeleton signed and pocketed his knife.

"So, what's your name?" I asked.

"You can call me Killer." The skeleton said while walking out of the room. Killer... I remember now, one of the bedrooms had a nameplate with 'Killer' written on it.

"Hey, you should go check your room." I said.

"My room?" Killer looked confused.

"There is a room here with the name 'Killer' written on it." I explained.

"Led the way." Killer said with a blank expression.

I led Killer to his room and left him there. I then felt my stomach growl. I should go eat my breakfast.

???'s pov

One at a time is too slow, I need to think of a quicker plan.

                          <To be continued>

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