Chapter 4- Welcome to the underground (part 1)

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Chara's pov

The portal opened...... right below me. Now I'm falling through the sky.

"What a great way to start!" I said

Then I felt pain in my back, and everything went black.

~Some time later~

Chara's pov

"Hey! Wake up."

I slowly opened my eyelids and saw a skeleton.



Wait! What? A skeleton? Am I dreaming? There's no way that...

"Hey! Are you okay, kiddo?" said the skel... No, I can't do this, not today. I felt my eyelids getting heavy.

???'s pov

"Hey! Wake up!"

The kid passed out again. Great, now I don't know what to do.
After a while, I decided to bring them to Snowden. I just hope that I made the right choice.

Chara's pov

"Ouch! My head hurts." I said.

"That's because you fell head first during the fall. It's a miracle that you are still alive." Helen said while standing upside-down like spider man.

"Head first? Where are we? I remember the portal and.... oh yes! There was a skeleton!" I looked around. I appeared to be in a bedroom, there are also bandages around my head.

Suddenly, the door opened, and a tall skeleton walked in.

"HUMAN, ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" The skeleton shouted?

It can speak? I was so shocked that I accidentally tripped over the bedding and......

Everything went black.... again....

~After Chara wakes up~

Chara's pov

I woke up again. This time, I was laying on a field of yellow flowers.

"What happened?" I asked Helen.

"You want the long version or the short version?" Helen floated of the ground.

" The shorter one." I answered.

"Okay, so basically you fell through the portal, your head hit the ground, and you went unconscious. I was about to heal you when a skeleton came, and brought you to his house to heal. But the skeleton was terrible at healing, and only managed to bandage your head..."

"Wait, I thought this was supposed to be the short version. Why is this so long?"

"Be quiet, I'm almost done. Anyway, after you woke up, you saw another skeleton and tripped over the bedding, and you hit your head again. Then you died, in the most stupid way possible." Helen finished explaining.

"Ok... Wait a second! You said I died?" I said with disbelief. "Are you joking? Or am I... am I a ghost now?"

"Calm down! You are definitely not dead or a ghost, you are still a human and alive." Helen said.

"I thought you said I died." I am now very confused.

"You died, but you are a Chara, remember?"


"You can go back to your last SAVE after you die."

"What is SAVE?" I became even more confused.

"It's one of the powers that only people with a lot determination can use. But you are the only person that can......"

"Can't you say the shorter version or the shortest version you have?" I interrupted Helen's long explanation.

"Fine! Basically, when you die, you get teleported to your last SAVE place and get brought back to life. You are also the only one that can do this." Helen crosses her arms.

"Okay, I think I get it now. I'm going to explore." I said.

I walked along the path with Helen floating behind me. At the end of the passage, I saw a yellow flower.

"Howdy! I'm FLOWEY. FLOWEY the FLO........ Chara?" The flower spoke? I was shocked, but then its words sinked in.

"How did the flower know my name?" I asked Helen.

"I don't know. Well... here's a tip for you, only you can see me right now. So to others, you look like you're talking to air." Helen then did the 'innocent' look.
"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" I whispered.

"Chara, are you ok? You've been talking to yourself for a while." Flowey looked worried.
I turn to face Flowey.

"Sorry, but how do you know my name? Have we met before?" I asked with a friendly smile.

"Chara, what are you saying? It's me, your best friend, Asriel." The flower said.

"I thought your name was Flowey?" I question the flower.

"Eh... I...." The flower started to stutter.

"So?" I cross my arms.

"Please don't kill me!" And the flower went under the dirt? I wonder what he meant by 'don't kill me'. Did it do something bad?

<To be continued>

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