Chapter 2- Helen the Multiverse Guide

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^ art above is drawn by me :)

Chara's pov

I arrived at another blank space. Wasn't the portal supposed to bring me to another multiverse?

"Help? Are you there?" I asked.

"I'm right behind you." A voice said, making me turn around.

I saw a girl about my age with long silky black, black/red eyes and pale skin.

"Who are you?" I said, pulling out my knife in cause she attacked.

"It's me, Help." She said, raising her hands to a surrender pose.

"What?!" I was shocked. "You're a living being?"

"Yep! I'm also your guide. Very cool, right?" She winks at me.

"I have so many questions. But first, where are we?" I asked.

"We are currently in a forgotten AU in Multiverse #453."

"Forgotten AU?"

"Forgotten AUs are AUs that were unfinished for a long time, leading it to self-destruction." 'Help' explains.

"Thanks. Also, do you have another name? No offence, but it feels weird to call someone 'Help'." I asked.

"You can call me Helen." Helen said.

"Okay. So, can you take me to an AU that has living beings in it?"

"Sure! But first, you need to do the tutorial." smiled Helen.

"There's a tutorial?!" That is kind of unexpected.

"Yeah. Say 'quests' and you should find a tutorial in it."



I pressed Tutorial.

Tutorial starting in



                                   < To Be Continued >

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